Metalfest 2009

Prince Eglesiar

New Metal Member
Jun 28, 2009
Hey Powerpeople,

I'm really looking forward to Metalfest where you will be playing. But I have some highly important questions. Such as, will you guys give autographs? :)
And will there be any new merchandise, as I already own everything from the shop. And lastly, which songs are on the playlist? Or is that top secret government information?
Hey dude!

Good to have you on the forum!

Of course....we are a friendly bunch and will be hanging out with fans and friends over the course of the weekend. worries!

I don't anticipate any new merchandise though I'm afraid.....and as for the setlist...well, that would be telling! hehehe!
I just noticed Fairyland is playing the day after you guys, Steve! Are you going to stick around for that? Surely they'll be playing mostly new material...
Steve(s), or Symphon(y), will you be staying in a hotel in Dudley or are you only coming on the saterday?
I would love to shoot you, on camera that is. :lol: But I don't know if I'm aloud to film during the concerts. The JBS (Where Metalfest is) site says professional camera's aren't aloud so I send them a mail asking whether I can take my camera, as it is not a professional thingy. Still no answer back. Darn them. :mad:

This is my first live concert of Power Quest (And the third metal concert in my life) and also the last with Alessio. And if I can't film shots to watch later I will slowly die inside. :cry:

Yeah, I can't sleep. It's 3:12 now.
Not sure what the camera policy will be for the event I'm afraid.

I think the promoters are putting us up in a hotel on the Saturday night but unfortunately we won't be at the event on Sunday as some of us have to be elsewhere later that day I'm afraid
Really looking forward to this, can't can't wait to see PQ and Fairyland live... they will be the ones I'm most looking forward to.

Myself and another member of my band, Karuna, will be over, and we will be promoting our newly released MCD! If anyone wants a copy we will have some available. Our website should go live this weekend with some samples...:)

If anyone remembers, we used to be called Dark Crystal, and had been inactive for a number of years. But the old threads are still around the PQ forum lol... (bit of a trip down memory lane!):