Metalheads and MMO's

...While I generally prefer orchestral or electronic scores for a more atmospheric immersive score, there's not doubt that there should be way more metal, particularly Prog and Power Metal in these games. At the very least, every game should allow you to put in your own music selections for alternative soundtracks, only a few let you do this. :headbang:

Neverwinter Nights allows you to add your own MP3's. I've even heard the Conan soundtrack while perusing one particular PW a few years ago. And we're discussing adding some MP3's to our revamped UnderMountain project.


and I haven't delved into this area yet, but apparently you can write your own music scores for Lord of the Rings Online when you play a minstrel. Pretty cool. There were apparently folks who planned concert events in the closed beta. I'm waiting for something similar in the open beta now that I'm involved in this game.

Uhhh what? SF's story is much less detailed than any MMO I have ever played. The story is just to have some basic backdrop as to why people are fighting. But does anyone really care about story on a fighter game? Only the fanatics...


You're right, Street Fighter's story isn't detailed at all. That's why there were no Street Fighter movies/TV shows/comics based on the original story whatsoever and there are tons of adaptations of Guild Wars based on its story. Nobody cared about the characters in Street Fighter, nor did they spend years and years mastering their favorite character's combos etc. Those people buy Guild Wars books and read through them to learn every nook and cranny around its in depth story. Oh wait, nevermind...

I would comment way more on this rubbish if I had more time. However, I just wanted to point out that your line of "those games were originally designed for single player and had multiplayer added to them with the creation of Quake III/Unreal Tournament etc)..." is completely incorrect. FPS multiplayer started with Doom back in 1994. Quake (1) was the first to incorporate TCP/IP gaming in 96.

I never played any FPS for story (although the Half-Life series rules in that respect). But Quake? Come on...did you ever actually READ the story for it? It was just a means to an end to appease people who would bitch if there was no story. The game is all about running around and killing baddies. As much story line as Super Mario...

I never said Quake had a story. Fantastic reading there, sleuth.

If you think all the FPS' in the 90s had a strong multiplayer fanbase you're out of your mind. Hell, most people were still using dial up untill about 2001. Online gaming was a niche thing that demanded only the most suped up computers for many years. Games like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 pretty much opened the doors and revolutionized multiplayer gaming for the PC.

As someone had said here, Doom actually had a pretty in depth story. Not to mention, alot of people used its engine to create their own maps etc so it allowed for people making their own video games with their own stories.

BUT, you're comparing games that are almost 20 years old to MMOs, most of which aren't even 5 years old. There are some older games that are simply just fun with no questions asked, but now, with today's technology, new games demand some kind of storyline. The end.
Neverwinter Nights allows you to add your own MP3's. I've even heard the Conan soundtrack while perusing one particular PW a few years ago. And we're discussing adding some MP3's to our revamped UnderMountain project.


Very cool!:headbang:

and I haven't delved into this area yet, but apparently you can write your own music scores for Lord of the Rings Online when you play a minstrel. Pretty cool. There were apparently folks who planned concert events in the closed beta. I'm waiting for something similar in the open beta now that I'm involved in this game.


Even cooler!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I can't recall who all may have had experience with the original Neverwinter Nights (not so much NwN2), but I'd like to invite you to check out our latest project: Dead Winter Reigns: Waterdeep & UnderMountain

so for those who haven't played the NwN game for a while, take the discs off the shelf, reinstall if you must, download the custom haks, and join some of the finest roleplaying exporers for expeditions beneath the city of Waterdeep - the vermin and rogue-infested sewers, the Dungeon of the Crypt, and the incomparable, legendary, original UnderMountain. :heh:

the website has only recently been uploaded and the forums are up and running. The remaining links will be added over the next couple of weeks.

So check it out if you are looking for something new to explore with an old favorite - Neverwinter Nights!
ProgPower virgin here finally making my first trip this year.

Been doing pen-and paper RPGs and CRPGs as long as i can remember (started D&D in late 70s). Gamma World/Darwin's World or similar Post-Apocalyptic role playing is my favorite genre (Fallout or Wasteland in the computer game realm). Nothing like a little Mad Max world with mutants thrown in for fun.

I do PVE only in Guild Wars...all three campaigns. With busy lifestyle, Guild Wars is great with no monthly fee. No guilt when real life keeps me from logging on for several days or weeks.

I'm a member of a small guild of old dudes like myself (not all like metal, but most all are old, and most are programmers). I'm 37 and been programming since the Commodore VIC 20 days, LOL, it's just that after college I started getting paid for it and do it for a living.

All of you GW metal-heads, here's my Guild Wars characters, maybe we can run into each other in game:

Mugambi Mwaka (Tyrian Necromancer/Mesmer..curse/hex first and favorite character)
Nehemiah Thrash (Tyrian Monk...healing machine)
Shania Twayne (Tyrian Warrior/Monk... sword warrior)
Sum Yung Thang (Canthan Assassin/Mesmer)
Bridgette Fonda (Canthan Ritualist)
Commander Koening (Canthan Warrior/Necromancer...hammer warrior)
Vanessa Williams (Elonan Elementalist...Earth elementalist)

I often have Hammerfall songs running through my head while Commander Koening is knocking down foes and bashing in heads with the massive warhammer. :)