Metalheads and MMO's

Yeah, I was playing back when the Progression Servers were taking effect. I created a Dark Elf in Nektulos, and the forest was the new one .. not the old one :(
I'd heard that MMORPGs had been getting pretty big and I had some friends who played Asheron's Call years ago, but this kinda rocked me back a bit:

A little over a year ago I went down to see Blue Oyster Cult in Peachtree City, south of Atlanta, at 'The Fred', an amphitheater -- they were headlining two dates with Foghat opening, and both nights were sold out.
I've known Eric Bloom of BOC for years due to literary connections, so after the show I went up to him backstage.... "Look, Paul!" he said proudly, displaying a golf shirt with 'Gamer' emblazoned on the front pocket.
"Uh, okay-y-y-y-y, that's kinda cool, Eric...."
"Paul, I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft, it's a lot of fun. Do you play it?"
"Uh, no," I said, about to make a colossal mistake. "I'd heard it was almost as big as Everquest--" Oooops.
"Oh, it's MUCH bigger than that! It's got....." and Eric proceeded to rattle off stats and figures for a minute or two, showing how much bigger WoW was than Everquest, even back then. ".......In fact, I can't wait to get back to the hotel, they've got hi-speed!"

I was floored. Keep in mind that Eric B. is probably about 60 and has been rocking for decades. :worship:

So, you WoW players, who knows? You might be playing against at least one rock'n'roll legend. :heh:
And, since the original question was about metal heads and mmorpgs...I work for an mmorpg company and here is my office, at that company.





Awesomest Office ever :headbang:
I'd heard that MMORPGs had been getting pretty big and I had some friends who played Asheron's Call years ago, but this kinda rocked me back a bit:

A little over a year ago I went down to see Blue Oyster Cult in Peachtree City, south of Atlanta, at 'The Fred', an amphitheater -- they were headlining two dates with Foghat opening, and both nights were sold out.
I've known Eric Bloom of BOC for years due to literary connections, so after the show I went up to him backstage.... "Look, Paul!" he said proudly, displaying a golf shirt with 'Gamer' emblazoned on the front pocket.
"Uh, okay-y-y-y-y, that's kinda cool, Eric...."
"Paul, I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft, it's a lot of fun. Do you play it?"
"Uh, no," I said, about to make a colossal mistake. "I'd heard it was almost as big as Everquest--" Oooops.
"Oh, it's MUCH bigger than that! It's got....." and Eric proceeded to rattle off stats and figures for a minute or two, showing how much bigger WoW was than Everquest, even back then. ".......In fact, I can't wait to get back to the hotel, they've got hi-speed!"

I was floored. Keep in mind that Eric B. is probably about 60 and has been rocking for decades. :worship:

So, you WoW players, who knows? You might be playing against at least one rock'n'roll legend. :heh:

3 of the guys from Blind Guardian, 1 of the guys from Cannibal Corpse, 311's bassist, and Robin Williams play too.
Oddly enough, I just got an invite to beta Dungeon Runners from NCSoft. Your basic hack'n'slash dungeon crawling game but in an MMO world. I got another invite for a beta last week and a month ago got two invites for two different Acclaim games. One is pretty much a DDR game online and I started hysterically laughing the first time I read the info on the game.
Seems like it's beta testing season. NCsoft has 2 other games in closed beta, too. This small number of screenshots for Aion look amazing.
In first year uni I was huge into Diablo 2, with 6 lvl 90+ characters and so many valuable items I'm sure I could've made a decent sum selling them at the time. I stopped when I realized how much time was wasted, and how my right hand beginning to experience a lot of pain. What pissed me off most is that when I went back to enjoy it a bit in moderation, the account had expired. I don't dare try WoW.
Oddly enough, I just got an invite to beta Dungeon Runners from NCSoft. Your basic hack'n'slash dungeon crawling game but in an MMO world. I got another invite for a beta last week and a month ago got two invites for two different Acclaim games. One is pretty much a DDR game online and I started hysterically laughing the first time I read the info on the game.
Seems like it's beta testing season. NCsoft has 2 other games in closed beta, too. This small number of screenshots for Aion look amazing.

Screenshots and videos look soooo sweeeeetttttt!!!! Not to mention the gameplay, being able to fly and combat from air. I typically stick to the PS2 for my games, currently playing FFXII, played Everquest and EQ: Frontiers for about a year a while back. Couldn't get in to FFXI for some reason. I might have to check this one out though.
prog metal and mmo's dont go hand in hand


rhapsody (now known as rhapsody fire or what ever?) and mmo's definatly go hand in hand :lol:
Screenshots and videos look soooo sweeeeetttttt!!!! Not to mention the gameplay, being able to fly and combat from air. I typically stick to the PS2 for my games, currently playing FFXII, played Everquest and EQ: Frontiers for about a year a while back. Couldn't get in to FFXI for some reason. I might have to check this one out though.

I hated FFXI. Some of my friends who play GW love the game but every aspect of it I didn't like much. Poor graphics (granted it is a few years old), lack of information on wth you're supposed to do when a beginner, & poor default controls. I hate any MMO that doesn't allow me to use aswd for movement. Luckily they had 2 keyboard options for FFXI so you could set it for movement but it really should be the default. I especially hate any MMOs that only allow point & clicking for movement.
The completely customized controls is part of the reason I absolutely love Guild Wars. Especially as someone who often plays a healer class. The only thing I use the mouse for in that game is turning the camera along with inventory & accept/trade buttons. I have hotkeys to select any member in my party. Hotkeys for casting spells. Hotkeys for selecting the closest enemy or sifting through an enemy group. Hotkeys for "calling out" targets or what spells you are casting. You can also setup the windows to pretty much anyway you want and choose text & window sizes independently from resolution size. Something I've noticed few games have. Plus being able to jump easily from windowed mode to full screen is really helpful if you need to look something up. Another thing I hated about FFXI. Couldn't window the game or alt-tab to open another thing because of the security they have setup. It'd crash the game. Apparently there was a hack made to allow windowed mode but I didn't play long enough to look for it.
It also helps that Guild Wars just happens to be, in my opinion, the best looking mmo currently out there.
I honestly haven't been playing much though. I keep on getting access to these various games in beta and trying them out in my free time. Also am getting into my DS lite & still have a lot to do in Zelda:TP on the Wii. I have NWN2 but am only about 2 minutes out of the tutorial area.
I'd heard that MMORPGs had been getting pretty big and I had some friends who played Asheron's Call years ago, but this kinda rocked me back a bit:

A little over a year ago I went down to see Blue Oyster Cult in Peachtree City, south of Atlanta, at 'The Fred', an amphitheater -- they were headlining two dates with Foghat opening, and both nights were sold out.
I've known Eric Bloom of BOC for years due to literary connections, so after the show I went up to him backstage.... "Look, Paul!" he said proudly, displaying a golf shirt with 'Gamer' emblazoned on the front pocket.
"Uh, okay-y-y-y-y, that's kinda cool, Eric...."
"Paul, I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft, it's a lot of fun. Do you play it?"
"Uh, no," I said, about to make a colossal mistake. "I'd heard it was almost as big as Everquest--" Oooops.
"Oh, it's MUCH bigger than that! It's got....." and Eric proceeded to rattle off stats and figures for a minute or two, showing how much bigger WoW was than Everquest, even back then. ".......In fact, I can't wait to get back to the hotel, they've got hi-speed!"

I was floored. Keep in mind that Eric B. is probably about 60 and has been rocking for decades. :worship:

So, you WoW players, who knows? You might be playing against at least one rock'n'roll legend. :heh:

Man you know everybody.

From Wikipedia : When not performing, Bloom is also a well-known gamer, taking his laptop computer on the road with him. If he is not playing on stage, he is usually playing MMORPGs, such as GemStone III and GemStone IV,EverQuest 2, High Descent and World of Warcraft.
I hated FFXI. Some of my friends who play GW love the game but every aspect of it I didn't like much. Poor graphics (granted it is a few years old), lack of information on wth you're supposed to do when a beginner, & poor default controls. I hate any MMO that doesn't allow me to use aswd for movement. Luckily they had 2 keyboard options for FFXI so you could set it for movement but it really should be the default. I especially hate any MMOs that only allow point & clicking for movement.
The completely customized controls is part of the reason I absolutely love Guild Wars. Especially as someone who often plays a healer class. The only thing I use the mouse for in that game is turning the camera along with inventory & accept/trade buttons. I have hotkeys to select any member in my party. Hotkeys for casting spells. Hotkeys for selecting the closest enemy or sifting through an enemy group. Hotkeys for "calling out" targets or what spells you are casting. You can also setup the windows to pretty much anyway you want and choose text & window sizes independently from resolution size. Something I've noticed few games have. Plus being able to jump easily from windowed mode to full screen is really helpful if you need to look something up. Another thing I hated about FFXI. Couldn't window the game or alt-tab to open another thing because of the security they have setup. It'd crash the game. Apparently there was a hack made to allow windowed mode but I didn't play long enough to look for it.
It also helps that Guild Wars just happens to be, in my opinion, the best looking mmo currently out there.
I honestly haven't been playing much though. I keep on getting access to these various games in beta and trying them out in my free time. Also am getting into my DS lite & still have a lot to do in Zelda:TP on the Wii. I have NWN2 but am only about 2 minutes out of the tutorial area.

I agree with you on everything you said about Guild Wars, however, one thing that turned me off about the game was tha there is little in the way of customizing your character. I know they have added new skins in the last 2 expansions but I wanna play as a Char or something like that! They need to add more races!
wife and I have been playing mmorpgs since UO, EQ, EQ2, FFXI, AC2, Lineage II,etc,etc.

I recently went back to wow to try TBC after a year long hiatus( I played/play a paladin , before you create your char name a cenobite appears and says "We will show you the pleasure of great pain!"), since the closed beta test of Vanguard really put me off that game at the higher levels. I needed something to keep occupied since Age of Conan won't be out till October. TBC has been great fun though, we just hit level 70 a few nights ago. The game has changed so much in a year.

I also just recently got invited to the closed beta test for Granado Espada( ), the game looks great and the wife has been waiting for ever to try it, but it's just bad timing as WOW has a deathgrip on us at the moment.

Was interesting to see so many others play mmorpgs. I've always been an avid gamer with PCs and Consoles, and into Fantasy,Sci-Fi,etc. from an early age.

Oh, has anyone ever heard lyrics in songs and thought about how they might be possibly related to mmorpgs. For example the White Skull song "Ninth Night" and I am more then likely misinterpretting the words but it sounds like they are singing "Fight boars in the forest, Fight boars in the night" which is like that SouthPark episode "Make love not Warcraft", totally unrelated but it's funny to sing that along somtimes when grinding XP. Also the Crystal Eyes song from Confessions of the Maker, "White Wolves" should be the Alliance PVP theme song. It's like their singing about getting revenge on some Taurens who just kicked their ass.
Started with Phantasy Star...

One of the best RPGs ever made IMO.

Not really into the MMOs, but really into RPGs, Japanese and AD&Dish. I still have Baldur's Gate II, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights Diamond in the box I bought them. Why you ask??? STILL hooked with the original Baldur's Gate!!! Thieves + Backstabbing = :headbang:

Back to music, I say one of the best scores put together goes not to an RPG, but to an RTS... STARCRAFT!!!!!

RPGs could use a lot more metal.