Metalheads and MMO's

I've played WOW since it first came is Abattoir on Eldre Thalis server (Night Elf Druid - Level 60) and I have a level 15 Blood Elf Hunter named Dement and a low level Blood Elf Mage named Helstar on Tanaris.
I haven't played in like a week though as I picked up Vanguard and have gotten into that. Level 8 Ranger named Blackmore and I'm LOVING this game...very cool! Some bugs they still have to work out but Vanguard seems to have LOTS of potential.

Street Fighter had extremely innovative gameplay for its time and also has a very good/involving story. It most certainly was not an online chatroom where players kid themselves by thinking endless pointing and clicking is fun/interesting gameplay. Nice try.
I still play an older MMO called Shattered Galaxy. Its been out since 2000 or so. I'm in a regiment (clan/guild/whatever) where probably 1/3 of the members are into metal of some kind. A few are into Power and Prog as well.
Yeah, it must suck to win money playing a game and getting a free trip to where the tournament is held even if you don't end up placing.

That's such a small percentage of the gaming community. Plus, just because you can compete over MMOs doesn't mean the games are good. Nice logic; when they hold bass fishing simulator tournaments, I'll sign you up. Those games must be awesome!
Why pretend like you were making a different point with that comment? Yeah... no one caring about PvP has everything to do with graphics and gameplay.. Oh wait... PvP is all based around gameplay and strategy.
Don't like PvP? Did you actually try it while playing Guild Wars? Sorry, random arena doesn't count. And I take it you don't play any FPS or multiplayer games against real people since that would be considered PvP and no one cares about PvP.
And yeah.. I do really suck at console gaming. It's why I play my PS2, Wii, or DS (or why I'll eventually be purchasing a PS3) when I'm not playing a PC game. I only ever play one type of game because I'm a closedminded wanker who thinks every other game type is crappy.
Well I, for one, don't treat MMO's as chatrooms. I actually try to avoid people as much as possible, especially in Guild Wars. I just like the feeling of being on my own in a HUGE world that keeps on goin' once I've logged off - and it's nice to play with my brother whenever he's on.

And the click-fest thing that was mentioned earlier ... I really don't see where MMO's can get that tag. I mean, I can't recall how many times I've cursed my pained wrists and fingers after playing a Diablo marathon. In EQ, I only used my mouse to look around - same for Guild Wars.
Well I, for one, don't treat MMO's as chatrooms. I actually try to avoid people as much as possible, especially in Guild Wars. I just like the feeling of being on my own in a HUGE world that keeps on goin' once I've logged off - and it's nice to play with my brother whenever he's on.

I agree, and when I played MMOs to see what they were like, that was how I played as well, but then I realized that if I wanted to explore huge worlds, I should be playing Elder Scrolls Oblivion or the Grand Theft Auto games.

Why pretend like you were making a different point with that comment? Yeah... no one caring about PvP has everything to do with graphics and gameplay.. Oh wait... PvP is all based around gameplay and strategy.
Don't like PvP? Did you actually try it while playing Guild Wars? Sorry, random arena doesn't count. And I take it you don't play any FPS or multiplayer games against real people since that would be considered PvP and no one cares about PvP.

Yeah, you clearly can't read. I never said there was ANYTHING wrong with multiplayer gaming. When I said "who cares" I was referring to the guild/clan system in the MMORPG realm. You were the one who brought that up, not me.

By the way, since when were FPS games *all* multiplayer? As if there was never a single player aspect to them? Yeah, because if I I didn't like the multiplayer experience in general, it means I wouldn't like FPSes (even though those games were originally designed for single player and had multiplayer added to them with the creation of Quake III/Unreal Tournament etc)...

I have no problem with multiplayer games. I just don't like MMORPGs at all.

And yeah.. I do really suck at console gaming. It's why I play my PS2, Wii, or DS (or why I'll eventually be purchasing a PS3) when I'm not playing a PC game. I only ever play one type of game because I'm a closedminded wanker who thinks every other game type is crappy.

What the fuck? Get a diaper change you child. I'm done with this thread.
Yeah, you clearly can't read. I never said there was ANYTHING wrong with multiplayer gaming. When I said "who cares" I was referring to the guild/clan system in the MMORPG realm. You were the one who brought that up, not me.

You've basically said that MMORPGs are for people who want an easy game. PvP is far from being an easy aspect to a game. You were the one who said no one cared about being a part of the top level PvP (though now you're pretty much saying not enough people are at that high end PvP) . So which exactly is it... That these games are easy? Or that they're too hard for everyone to get into the best PvP guilds?

What the fuck? Get a diaper change you child. I'm done with this thread.
So I can't bring up the fact that I play other games? You were the one saying people play MMORPGs only do because they suck at other games. I didn't realize that people can only play one type of game.
It's as ridiculous an argument as me saying anyone who doesn't like avante garde metal lacks the mental capabilities to understand & appreciate it. Or that all people who listen to death metal are mindless drones.
Whoa, does someone actually give a shit about PvP guilds & clans? Sad.

Notice how nobody talks about graphics, gameplay, story etc when it comes to MMOs. Shitty games.

Dude, the gameplay in UO ROCKED MY GOD DAMNED FACE OFF. You could LITTERALLY DO ANYTHING in that game. Also, if you got sick of one style of play, all you had to do was turn off one skill and turn on another, no class restricted bullshit.

I, myself, managed to do everything in the game and it offered me nothing else. I was rich, recognised, and owned a Tower. I sold my account for $500 :D

There are storylines in MMO's, but typically, you either follow them or you don't. There should definitely be more world altering events, but whatever works. It's fun to play games with other people. My guess is you're just anti social :p
Sounds like ProgPower would be a good place to find a few people to play some aD&D or something, huh? LOL

eh? *rattles dice bag*