Metalheads and MMO's

I play Guild Wars, own all 3 expansions with much experiene in elementalists and mapping. But at the moment I'm not able to play because I don't have cable, and I'm not one of the idiots who's going to try and play on a 56k.
So I was afking in Guild Wars this weekend for the Canthan (Chinese) New Year event. A character I never play is called Sirenia Shamandalie because it's on my 2nd account and was only made because I had to wait to play Factions on my main account because of the stupid lack of Collector's Edition boxes. I logged into her to get the hat for the account and someone saw the name and yelled Sonata Arctica!
I had a small amount of hope that my copy of "Guild Wars" would arrive today.
After a long day of waiting I find, no it won't because of stupid presidents day! DANG IT!!!

Sorry I had to vent.

Anyways, do any of you have tips for those just starting out in the game?
I used to play Guild Wars but it got boring. Before that I used to play FFXI, and I only played with the Japanese, because the others on my server were total cocks. I ended up quitting because I had better things to do, like real life. :lol:
I've been on World of Warcraft for almost two years - my main is in an endgame guild on Eldre'Thalas, although I have various low level alts on Argent Dawn, Gilneas, Hakkar, Haomarush...

I started MMOs with Gemstone III back in 1995 or so, when it was free on AOL. I've also played The Realm, Diablo II, Asheron's Call, and a few others, but have been happiest with Warcraft.

zug zug!
I finally got my copy of guild wars. Game works fine with my dial up for the most part. Just a pain in the neck to get all the updates and area's for the first time. Took like 12 hours or more to download half of what I needed to play.

So far, Iv not gotten into it. but I only got to play for around 15 mins and I'm still tinkering around with seeing what I need to do and how to do it.

I must say that the grafics are impressive . Even on the lowest settings which I'm running it on they look very nice. As well or better than Everquest did last I played.

Should be interesting to see how it go's for me.
Street Fighter had extremely innovative gameplay for its time

"and also has a very good/involving story."

It most certainly was not an online chatroom where players kid themselves by thinking endless pointing and clicking is fun/interesting gameplay. Nice try.

Uhhh what? SF's story is much less detailed than any MMO I have ever played. The story is just to have some basic backdrop as to why people are fighting. But does anyone really care about story on a fighter game? Only the fanatics...

I agree, and when I played MMOs to see what they were like, that was how I played as well, but then I realized that if I wanted to explore huge worlds, I should be playing Elder Scrolls Oblivion or the Grand Theft Auto games.

Yeah, you clearly can't read. I never said there was ANYTHING wrong with multiplayer gaming. When I said "who cares" I was referring to the guild/clan system in the MMORPG realm. You were the one who brought that up, not me.

By the way, since when were FPS games *all* multiplayer? As if there was never a single player aspect to them? Yeah, because if I I didn't like the multiplayer experience in general, it means I wouldn't like FPSes (even though those games were originally designed for single player and had multiplayer added to them with the creation of Quake III/Unreal Tournament etc)...

I have no problem with multiplayer games. I just don't like MMORPGs at all.

What the fuck? Get a diaper change you child. I'm done with this thread.

I would comment way more on this rubbish if I had more time. However, I just wanted to point out that your line of "those games were originally designed for single player and had multiplayer added to them with the creation of Quake III/Unreal Tournament etc)..." is completely incorrect. FPS multiplayer started with Doom back in 1994. Quake (1) was the first to incorporate TCP/IP gaming in 96.

I never played any FPS for story (although the Half-Life series rules in that respect). But Quake? Come on...did you ever actually READ the story for it? It was just a means to an end to appease people who would bitch if there was no story. The game is all about running around and killing baddies. As much story line as Super Mario...
But Quake? Come on...did you ever actually READ the story for it? It was just a means to an end to appease people who would bitch if there was no story. The game is all about running around and killing baddies. As much story line as Super Mario...

Doom, DoomII, Heretic, Hexen, HexenII, Quake, etc. ... I read the storylines for all of them. And yes, the stories aren't that in-depth, but I enjoy having some resemblance of a story in the background so that my imagination can propel me through the game. Yes, I somewhat roleplay on singleplayer games like those. Weird? Maybe a little bit :loco:
You misunderstand. My point was that the stories are very simple and not in-depth. I just pointed out that they were stories that just gave you enough information about the game to give you a backdrop for the game, but nothing in-depth as 3DimensionalAperture seems to be saying about games such as Street Fighter and such and then sayin that MMO's don't have story.
Doom, DoomII, Heretic, Hexen, HexenII, Quake, etc. ... I read the storylines for all of them. And yes, the stories aren't that in-depth...
It seems that one doesn't need too much justification to just go and kill a bunch of people. :heh:

Not really a fan of FPS, not because of storylines, graphics, music or other stuff, just not a fan of the genre (and that also goes for MMOs as I sated previously). That said, to each his/her own. All gamers, enjoy!
You misunderstand. My point was that the stories are very simple and not in-depth. I just pointed out that they were stories that just gave you enough information about the game to give you a backdrop for the game, but nothing in-depth as 3DimensionalAperture seems to be saying about games such as Street Fighter and such and then sayin that MMO's don't have story.

Hear ya loud 'n' clear. I'm an idiot :cool:
I've played WoW, DDO and EQ MMO's. They're fun, though being and old school AD&D'er, I prefer the non-MMO story version RPG's, particularly in 1st person. Favorite games of recent years have been the Elder Scrolls Morrowind and Oblivion and Thief 3. And who doesn't play Halo? While I generally prefer orchestral or electronic scores for a more atmospheric immersive score, there's not doubt that there should be way more metal, particularly Prog and Power Metal in these games. At the very least, every game should allow you to put in your own music selections for alternative soundtracks, only a few let you do this. :headbang:
my latest vice:

Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar :heh:

and just as I'm finding something new with LotRO, it seems I've also been hooked by my old community to go back and build UnderMountain ...again. This is being done for the original Neverwinter Nights game engine and the persistant world module we are (re-)building. :rolleyes: I'm such a sucker for the old school material.

and I'm such a geek.

here are a few screenies...

The starting village of Archet on a quiet Sunday morning.

Strombor of Dale, on his way out of the village of Archet to meet with someone concerning a wolf problem.

Strombor fighting a wolf in the shadow of the Ruins of Bronwe's Folly.

Strombor also finds and defeats a bandit... and more bandits...

Strombor finds a moment to rest and reflect on his defeat at the hands of the Blackwold Bandits.

Bondina Trace, hobbit Burglar Extraordinaire, looking across the valley to Archet

enter Gwarr of the Iron Hills

more to come...