Metalheads and MMO's

YardleyBates and I play WoW casually.

I played Ultima Online, then EQ, then DAoC, now Wow. Got Yardley hooked on EQ and we've been playing together since. I tried Guild Wars, LoTRO and DDO and didn't like them.

Since you didn't specify MMORPGs (as opposed to MMOs), I also play Aces High II (MMO air combat sim) and WWIIOnline (occasionally).
Not into the whole WoW type games but Im a huge fan of old school 2D RPG's.

I won just about every RPG for the consoles back in the day.

Started with Phantasy Star, and ended with Final Fantasy 7.

Would love to play the original Y's again on the TURBO DUO!
I do not play any of the pay-to-play games. But I have played CRPG's since the first days of Baldurs Gate. Being an old-school D&D gamer, I tend to only enjoy those games based on the D&D rules. So from Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale, I graduated to Neverwinter Nights when it was released. This past Christmas I purchased the NwN2 game and have been quite disappointed with it thus far.

I've tried Guild Wars and didn't care for it. Too fast-paced for me. :/

For anyone else who enjoys the original NwN game system, I am currently involved as a DM and part-time builder for Dead Winter Reigns - Adventures in the High Forest. We have recently launched this new project for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting and the original Neverwinter Nights CRPG. If you're interested in an immersive roleplaying community full of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable gamers, then drop by for a visit! =)

and yes, I obviously borrowed the title of our campaign from the Blind Guardian song of the same name. ;) At least I haven't named any characters after- oh wait... there is Udo Boltthrower, my dwarven warrior/priest. :oops: ...and Quorthon, the barbarian skald. [though I don't get to play as often as I once did].

*nervous chuckle*

Hey, you ever play Fallout 1 or 2, or Fallout Tactics? You might dig that stuff.....only RPG I ever got into, but I got totally addicted.
But, isn't that EVERY PC game, RPG or otherwise, on the market?

Not really. Just the MMORPG genre. I'd much rather enjoy a nice Unreal Tournament deathmatch than sit on my computer for hours leveling up my character for no real reason other than to show off to other people.
You've basically said that MMORPGs are for people who want an easy game. PvP is far from being an easy aspect to a game. You were the one who said no one cared about being a part of the top level PvP (though now you're pretty much saying not enough people are at that high end PvP) . So which exactly is it... That these games are easy? Or that they're too hard for everyone to get into the best PvP guilds?

So I can't bring up the fact that I play other games? You were the one saying people play MMORPGs only do because they suck at other games. I didn't realize that people can only play one type of game.
It's as ridiculous an argument as me saying anyone who doesn't like avante garde metal lacks the mental capabilities to understand & appreciate it. Or that all people who listen to death metal are mindless drones.

Not only can you not read, but you can't write either, because it's pretty tough to translate that chunk of jibberish up there.. Is English a 2nd language for you or are you just so butthurt that someone doesn't agree with your shitty taste in videogames that your typing is skewed?

I said PVP in respect to the MMORPG genre, NOT in general. And no, I do not care about guilds/clans because I do not care about that horrible genre. Just because they can win money in tournaments does not autimatically make these games fun.

I don't care what other games you play. That last comment you made in your previous post sounded so incredibly retarded and childish that I honestly didn't know what else to say other than "get a diaper change". I don't like one genre of games so that means I only like certain genres of games and that I'm close-minded? You really are dumb. This time I'm really done with this thread.
Whoah, since when did this thread become a bitch-fest?


Ok dude, we get it, you dont like MMORPGs, fine. Some people do. Just like some people dont like whatever it is you like.

Its no big deal, not worth getting upset like you two obviously are.
I read somewhere in a Magazine that the new Marvel comics-based MMO will have similar customization options as City of villains/Heroes(its by the same developer) however, if the gameplay is like CoV i'll be greatly dissapointed.

My take on this is, if they make an MMO with CoV-type customization, Guild Wars-like storyline progression and WoW-like gameplay I'll be a fan for life.

i heard thats a xbox 360 exclusive.
Don't know MMO's (or what is for that matter), I like FPS. And in a PC no consoles for me :D

NP: Acid - 'Five Days Hell'
So what are u playing right now? I got 80+hours on it and story-wise I am only about 75% done.

I've been mainly playing Super Robot Wars, which is now my favourite RPG series.

Only 15 days until Super Robot Wars W for the DS comes out, I can't wait to play it.
I was addicted to Everquest for a very long time. I probably would still be playing if I hadn't moved to where I cannot get a decent internet connection.
I am thinking of trying guild wars as I hear it works well with dial up.
I am sure I will regret this, but I work for SOE. ;p

If you can somehow get the devs to revert the old-world zones back to their original forms (like East Commonlands, North Ro, Oasis of Marr, South Ro, etc.) then I'll re-subscribe instantly :) ... ... and if y'all EVER change Butcherblock Mountains, I'll slaughter every kitten I see :heh:
If you can somehow get the devs to revert the old-world zones back to their original forms (like East Commonlands, North Ro, Oasis of Marr, South Ro, etc.) then I'll re-subscribe instantly :) ... ... and if y'all EVER change Butcherblock Mountains, I'll slaughter every kitten I see :heh:

I don't work on EverQuest, so don't quote me, but I believe they did this with the new progression servers? They opened I think 2 servers where it's like back to the old days and they open the new zones at the same timeline as they were opened before...that make sense? Heh.
I think last month Sony had a "come back and play for free" thing for EQ going on. I convinced Yardleybates to try it again. After about 2 hours, she said, "Can we please quit now. This sucks!"
And, since the original question was about metal heads and mmorpgs...I work for an mmorpg company and here is my office, at that company.




Back when I was playing I hear that they were going to do this.
Not sure if they ever did or not. Man I wish I could still play Everquest!
But I did just Order Guild Wars tonight. So in 5 to 10 buisness days I'll be testing that out ;).

I don't work on EverQuest, so don't quote me, but I believe they did this with the new progression servers? They opened I think 2 servers where it's like back to the old days and they open the new zones at the same timeline as they were opened before...that make sense? Heh.