Metalheads are dumb?

I would answer "no, I'm not a metalhead" and spit in his face. And then a kick to the balls and then a new face with a knife and let him bleed on the ground and then a grenade in his mouth.

Clearly there are several other compound words ending in "-head" that better apply to you.
The term metalhead has been around as long as metal. I don't see a reason to stop using it and I don't think it represents us as "dumb". If people want to think that about us, fuck 'em.
When people I don't know say i'm a metalhead i'm just like yeah whatever, but when someone who knows me swings that word around I want to slap them in the fucking face.
When people I don't know say i'm a metalhead i'm just like yeah whatever, but when someone who knows me swings that word around I want to slap them in the fucking face.

Are you the kind of person that corrects people by telling them "I don't play video games, I play COMPUTER games!!!" as well?
I don't mean every fucking single metalhead who ever existed, just the ones who label themselves as "metalheads" and know nothing about the genres metal came from. Like the ones who act like thrash is "slightly hardcore-influenced" metal, if you ask me thrash has even more elements of hardcore than it does metal!
A more correct name for this thread would be "a rather large percentage of metalheads are fucking retarded"