Ok RINGER, here's the deal-Lars is a horrible, horrible drummer. And yes, i do play drums and have for several years. I can honestly say that Lars sucks ass. Not because he simplified his beats and doesn't do a billion fuckin fills in one bar of music (even back in the glory days, he sucked), but because he has NO feel, NO groove, and plays like a dead FUCKING WEIGHT! he's an awkward, shitty, ham-fisted dickweed. Charlie is a seasoned fucking pro. you claim you're some kinda drum expert? then you should be able to spot the difference in a heartbeat. and as far as metallica go-they are a fucking joke now and haev been since the black album. because they changed? no-becuase they changed into the WORST fucking band EVER!!! enter sandman? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? sounds like it was written by a 10 year old. it's all downhill from there. even justice is pretty shitty. awful production and a noticable decline in songwriting from puppets. but hey, killing joke radically altered their music back in the 80s, and it was cool. girls against boys did it, and it was cool. faith no more did it, and it was cool. mr. bungle did it, and it was cool. the melvins ALWAYS do it, and it's always cool. see my point? it's not that they CHANGED. all bands change. it's what they changed into. you honestly think shit like enter sandman and fuel is good? then fuck, there's nothing i can do for you, is there? just know that it's got nothing to do with feeling betrayed about them turning their back on thrash, them selling out, cutting their hair, or whatever. it's simply a matter of calling a spade a spade. THE MUSIC IS SHIT!!!!!! AND LARS SUCKS!!!!! AND I HATE DAVE MATTHEWS!!!! AND I'M THE REASON WHY YOUR LIFE DIDN'T PAN OUT THE WAY YOU THOUGHT IT ALWAYS WOULD!!!!