Metallica Cover

Sounds pretty good man.
I'm not trying to be one of those old school wankers by any means, because I'm not, but I seriously don't think anyone except people that are way too obsessive (to the point where they've totally forgotten music is music, and care about nothing but the production, which isn't the way to go IMO) is going to care if the vocals are occasionally a couple of cents out in this genre of music (or honestly, any genre of music), so I think some of that time spent tuning vocals could have been used on getting a better lead sound.
Oh sure, but this isn't a finished mix and I prefer to get all my editing out of the way before doing the mix. The leads are definitely the weakest point, I kinda just bounced something down cos I was running out of CPU power with quadtracked guitars + bass amp sims running.
very cool mix. makes me wonder if metallica recorded this album in decent tones, could be more enjoyable for me. I think you captured the 80's metallica sound/attitude with modern tones in a very tasteful way. Is this a band or an individual effort by you? Nevertheless cool performance..
very cool mix. makes me wonder if metallica recorded this album in decent tones, could be more enjoyable for me. I think you captured the 80's metallica sound/attitude with modern tones in a very tasteful way. Is this a band or an individual effort by you? Nevertheless cool performance..

This was simply mixed by here, it was posted here:

oh shit i've just listen to the drums from the original again. I cant help how much I resent the mix, it really must have been a cruel joke lol.

Yeah, while mixing this I found myself kinda liking the song quite a bit. Then I realised it was off Death Magnetic, which I downloaded and deleted in the same day. Amazing how much difference the mix makes (at least when you go from 'absolute shit' to 'halfway decent' anyway).
I dig your take on making the drums sound Black Album-esque. I have absolutely no idea what the song is from, since I'm not a Metallica fan, but it's all rather listenable, so good job there!

Since you do me the courtesy of always providing some criticism in my threads, I'll try to list the some stuff off the top of my head here:

-The guitars strike me as a little flat. I assume because they're impulse-based? I notice a similar flatness whenever I try to work with them. Might be wrong.
-Something is a little off about the vocal sound/compression. It seems to be bringing out undesirable characteristics/artifacts. Perhaps not the best vocal chain, and the large amount of GR is emphasizing it?
-Mixbus/drumbus compression seems a tad excessive at times.
Yeah I actually don't know what this song is either:lol:
Anything off the first 4 albums and after that, I have no idea about most of the stuff Metallica did with their career :lol:
I dig your take on making the drums sound Black Album-esque. I have absolutely no idea what the song is from, since I'm not a Metallica fan, but it's all rather listenable, so good job there!

Since you do me the courtesy of always providing some criticism in my threads, I'll try to list the some stuff off the top of my head here:

-The guitars strike me as a little flat. I assume because they're impulse-based? I notice a similar flatness whenever I try to work with them. Might be wrong.
-Something is a little off about the vocal sound/compression. It seems to be bringing out undesirable characteristics/artifacts. Perhaps not the best vocal chain, and the large amount of GR is emphasizing it?
-Mixbus/drumbus compression seems a tad excessive at times.

Yup, guitars are all amp sims. I'd go for real guitars if this was a proper project, but its just for fun. They're also a little flat intonation-wise at points, but that kinda adds to the feel.
Will work on the vocals, I kinda struggled there. Is it all the time you're hearing this? Because in the choruses there is a +9/-9 pitch shift on one of the takes panned hard, as well as being double-tracked, while the verses are just a single track with no effects.

Will look into the rest, and making the guitars darker (there's a fucking massive boost at like 8khz which I'm not really cool about, but without it the mix as a whole seems too dark).

edit: Song is off Death Magnetic. It was the first single.. I only remember because when it was released everyone was a bit unsure as to whether someone had leaked a rough audio over the video..