Orchestral Synth Rock? I don't even know.. (30 Seconds to Mars cover)

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
This started off as electro pop to get better at mixing a whole bunch of instruments, and using synths in general. When I added the piano and strings though, it started getting epic and I ended up using more orchestral stuff, but there are still quite a few synths in here.

Been arranging this for a while and sorta mixing as I go, so the mix isn't great yet.. there's still a lot of work to be done in the lower mids and with automation, so many instruments. Some of the instruments are out of tune in parts, and playVST is a NIGHTMARE to work with, need to buy some proper software for this.

Anyway, comment on everything - arrangement, mix, my donut hole for the vocals to poke through the mess of instruments. The intro needs work, I don't know what to put there (help!). Also there's about 30 secs of silence at the starts, so skip ahead.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324723/Kings und Queens10.mp3

edit: jesus the stacatto strings are fucking loud. Oops.