are you man enough to mix THIS??? - EPIC Orchestral Metal

Intentare tener algo para la semana que viene que este fin de semana estare grabando voces para un grupo.

Puedes subir el midi del bajo?
would it be possible to provide a mp3 file of your mix as a reference? as far as i know you cant save from soundcloud right? the bass in this pack, is it a DI or a midi render?
Intentare tener algo para la semana que viene que este fin de semana estare grabando voces para un grupo.

Puedes subir el midi del bajo?

En el pack esta el bajo en midi (mal llamado drums.mid... lo exportamos mal) y en wav, y por fuera el midi de bateria

Dale tranquilo porque no hay apuro
would it be possible to provide a mp3 file of your mix as a reference? as far as i know you cant save from soundcloud right? the bass in this pack, is it a DI or a midi render?

The bass in the pack is a midi thru a bass library and then exported as wav.

but... we've made a mistake when we export the drums in midi and... voila... we've exported the midi of the bass .

you will find the drums in midi as another link.... we apologyse again for this..

heres is your mp3 to download
Headphones, no drums (no software to do drums), pro tools 8 so stuff is sounding off delay compensation wise I think (quick 30 minutes) but thanks for sharing Metal Bounce.mp3

woudl you like a drum track in wav?? or several tracks with it?? (one body each?)

hey!! you have skiped my solo!! hahahahaha that hurts in my ego man!! hahahahah

great mix by the way.... all sounds good...

i've seen that most of you mix the entire tracks... it could be reaaly intresting if you made some mutes in the symphonic instruments... there are no rules about it... but when ouros was mixing the song... we figured that we like the song most if the orchestra was only playing in some parts... and leave others sections of the song only with the band...

it is just a tip... but i really hope you show us and teach us how a better arrengment could be done...
wooops didnt see the solo

Can you upload the drums only mixdown (stereo mixdown will do). That would be good thanks!
Any thoughts on my mix? :D

hehehehe, ok. The lead voice need a exciter. Sorry, recorded in a bedroom filled with wooden furniture and a bed XD
And that when people are not playing football against my window. I live in a ground floor. :waah:

Try to dilute the corals. Yes, I know, is crazy, but the geniality of Bellini's what makes us look inept the other members of the formation.:notworthy

Otherwise, I like it.
ok heres mine, i liked how it turned out. 1.mp3

hardest part was balancing the vocals and orch. automated them both quite abit.

It is probably just me, today I'm a little deaf, but I think it is a little lacking in low frequencies in the output. Could it be?
I tell you that today I am deaf. Here it -4 º C, and south of Spain is unusual.
hehehehe, ok. The lead voice need a exciter. Sorry, recorded in a bedroom filled with wooden furniture and a bed XD
And that when people are not playing football against my window. I live in a ground floor. :waah:

Try to dilute the corals. Yes, I know, is crazy, but the geniality of Bellini's what makes us look inept the other members of the formation.:notworthy

Otherwise, I like it.

Alright, will give it a try.
Wait, the corals?
It is probably just me, today I'm a little deaf, but I think it is a little lacking in low frequencies in the output. Could it be?
I tell you that today I am deaf. Here it -4 º C, and south of Spain is unusual.

ya it is lacking now that i look at it. check out my updated mix at my original post.
ang3, your snare and your toms... I love this sound. The distortion you used is strikingly similar to the one I used myself, lol.
Lepouin? Great job, ang3.
I say again that I take the complication of the 9 tracks of orchestral and choral. This song, along with the madness of "The Great Creation" (another song) are the ones that were longer in the mix / master
glad you like it! i used poulin's lecto with TSE 808 for the gtrs. the drums were all metal machine but the OH were metal foundry.