are you man enough to mix THIS??? - EPIC Orchestral Metal


Sep 2, 2010
Hi guys!! sergio here.

I just want to share a song for you to mix. This is a real challenge because it has a lot of orchestral tracks... and we at In Memoriam Ares (our band) have found this really complicated to get it rigth... keeping clarity and power.

OUR Attemp

Circum me ira - In Memoriam ArEs


RAW Tracks
Drums in MIDI
Drums in wav
Separated tracks of voices

What's inside???
15 tracks ( 9 of this are symphonic instruments)... plus midi drums 48000/24 bits.
BPM 180

Is there enough symphonic instrumets for you???


I'm pretty sure yours will sound better than ours!!!

Lets the metal Begins!!!:Smokedev:

*I will post the spread voices tracks as soon i have them upload to somewhere ***DONE***

** Visit and choose the next song from us to have fun mixing it!!!
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Totally taking you up on this.

And may I just say, your mix sounds really good. I'm really impressed by how well you got the orchestra and the guitars to stand out individually whilst not compromising the quality of either instrument too much.

EDIT: And next time, if you upload anything really... a mix, a file, anything... could you please upload it to Dropbox? It's just a lot better than sites like the one you uploaded to that make you wait 30 seconds to download.
sorry about that... our dropbox is almost full with current projects....
We are an online band... some musicians at Buenos Aires, our singer at sevilla... and the guy who've made all the symphonic parts im brazil... dropbox is on fire rigth now with our two last songs!! (yes the song was written in Ba as a heavy metal drum + bass + guitar song, then our singer wrote and record the lyrics in spain... and then we recieve the orchetra from brazil..... internet's magics!)
Recording info, please.


real guitars (a jackson soloist to a phonic firefly 808 universal and some lepou and ongel stuff) excep my solo wich was played in my beloved ibanez thru a valve fx direct into de mother board. Ampsims and IR that all we use

bass drums & orchesta... all midi program triggering all very well known vsts

Voices is Nando Herrera singin amaizing as usual!!

i dont want to say more because we are really wainting to listen your mixes with your own choises of plugins.... orquesta and bass were share as a wav because is a waaaaaay more complicate using midi files... (and i bet our mozart have erased them already!!! hehehe)
There´s something wrong with your drumap man! What drum software do yuo use? I just can´t figure out. Thanks for sharing though!

Seems you´ve exported a wrong midi track. Maybe bass or something?
There´s something wrong with your drumap man! What drum software do yuo use? I just can´t figure out. Thanks for sharing though!

Seems you´ve exported a wrong midi track. Maybe bass or something?

Let me check... i told you in a minute
This guy is the best singer in spain!!! And He was the guy who mix the song

i forgive you pal!! you RULE!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA, noooo, Leo Jiménez is "the beast" singer in this country. I do what I can ;)

The voices are recording in a bedroom XD with a Behringer B-1. I usually use the preset Motown Power, as amended (Izotope Nectar) to work them.