Metallica - Death Magnetic

Stanger had a few interesting qualities, but I had a lot of problem getting over the out of key vocals, crap sounding guitar, and that FUCKING snare drum.
songs were too repetitive. I didn't like any of the riffs. there were TWO things on the cd i liked... that uhhh "ominous i'm in uusss" thing and uhhh "im the sherriff... something something, executioner tooo"

that is IT
I have a hard time making it through a single song on that album , let alone the entire thing. It all goes on far too long.
Really, I think some of the things on there aren't so bad, the problem comes in when I think "oh good the track is over" then look at the time, and realize NO IT'S ONLY 1/3 OF THE WAY THROUGH, and then they just repeat it all again. That's what kills it for me the most.
My appreciation for Megadeth aside, the statement is flawed because I find St. Anger absolute AGONY to listen to as a result of the reason I stated above. I get anxious hoping for the crap to end and it makes me want to shit myself.

Here's to my sweet satan.
I'm simply hoping for an enjoyable and decent album. Not putting my expectations too high, for obvious reasons.
I would have hoped during the title unveiling that they would use something to grab my attention right away. Maybe the rest will be better. I grew up listening to them and still hope for the return but the last 17 years have been a terrible let down.
no one thinks they're going to go back and release another master of puppets just like no one really thinks in flames is going to go back and release another whoracle, people just want it to be good and thats all that matters, stop your whining and give music a chance.

no one thinks this? i encourage you to read more...not just on this forum but on the forums that have metallica topics. there are a lot of people who think this album will be a return to their roots in the same way they thought st anger would be a return to their roots. go read more.