Metallica debut new song!!!

A preview of St Anger went on about how amazing it was, and how they sounded like Meshuggah in parts. What fucking crap. I'm not going to bother with this one until the finished version is released.
The St Anger stuff is fucking awesome on stage, and all the filled out bits have solo's and shit live, not pro-tools repating the same bars for 3 mins.

That said Metallica have always been a brilliant live band, no matter what they are playing, No Leaf Clover would be awesome without the strings.

All I can say, is as always, I can't wait to see what they actually bring out, time will tell that simple
Also, it should be noted that the lyrixx are pretty shitty, but they're still writing and this could be something they just knocked together to show off their new sound. Chances are the final song will sound nothing like this.

Sounds decent.
Verse and chorus seem a little boring.. but has potential.
I would describe it as a mix of the black album and St Anger material. Seemed a little longer than necessary like St Anger stuff, but a better sound, not as repepative, and with solos, like the black album stuff. I don't know how you could comment on the lyrics though, because despite the recording quality, I still couldn't understand what he was saying for the most part.

Had a pretty thick groove under it, that probably comes from Rob's input, and maybe playing those Sabbath covers lately...had that kind of groove about it.

I liked the sound of the chorus but is hard to tell. Definately potential there though.

First impressions say fans will dig it, but it likely won't win any old schoolers back.
First post in these parts...

I dig kinda dig it, its a step up from st anger, which isnt really saying much, but still. I liked kirk soloing again and Lars actually using a double kick live and effectivly, very nice indeed...

Anyways, im Dan from Adelaide, hope to get to know some of you in the future
You like that dude :kickass:

seriously i dont why i didnt post here earlier in my UM career though...tis cool here :rock: