Metallica Drumsound Test


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Disappointed by the recently posted "New Song" by Metallica I tried to get a Black Album-style drumsound with DFHS. Here's what I got:

I think the cymbals are a bit low in the mix compared to the black album, but then again the drums on that record are extremely upfront. The riff is just anything that I could come up with in a minute that sounds remotely like Metallica, haha ... POD XT again.

What do you guys think?
Sounds cool...I especially like the kick. Care to share the settings on the kick drum? :)

006: Haha, man, you are fast!

I forgot to mention up there that the DFHS is also supported by some stacked samples.

The kick is a mixture of the DW2 kick in DFHS and 4 samples mixed in Battery:

1. Andy's Kick
2. Pantera Kick from 5 Minutes Alone
3. Fear Factory kick from a song I don't remember
4. 909 Sample (downtuned and low in the mix - just for added thump)

The DFHS Kick and the Samplemix Kick are routed to a group channel that has the following EQ:

1: 90Hz, +1.7, Low Shelf
2: 312Hz, -6,8, Q=1.0
3: 1627Hz, +3.2, Q=5.5
4: 11943HZ, +6. High Shelf

The DFHS Kick is not EQed at all and the Samplemix Kick is neither. The volume ratio is about 1.5 : 1 in favour of the DFHS Kick, but the Samples really change the sound a lot.
Andy Sneap said:
just one riff like that in the new song and I'd be happier right now.

lol, not liking new metallica then andy!

I reckon thats quite a nice drum sound. Ive only just got dkfhs, so i would be really greatful if could get a guide through to create a good kit like that :kickass:
kev said:
lol, not liking new metallica then andy!

I reckon thats quite a nice drum sound. Ive only just got dkfhs, so i would be really greatful if could get a guide through to create a good kit like that :kickass:

he's using a lot of samples as well dude
Nitronium Blood said:
Why are you British fighting!? :D

we gradually became bored of defeating every country we came into contact with so decided it was time for civil war!!! :kickass:

Now... I really like that kick sound, thats the best part of it all. I thought the sanre hinted well at it, is there more verb on the BA snare? I must try more of this multi-layer sampling...

Smy... forget comparing this to the metallica drum sound, it sounds very good on it's own, and a bit different..

Im liking the kick and the snare a whole lot! nice attack on both of them...

Good job!