Metallica "Frantic" sample

I listened... it's not bad but kinda very strange!

I'm just back from where I've read this:

U.S. Military Using METALLICA And DROWNING POOL As Instruments Of Coercion In Iraq - May 18, 2003

U.S. military units have been breaking Saddam supporters with long sessions in which they're forced to listen to heavy metal and children's songs, according to Newsweek. "Trust me, it works," says one U.S. operative.

The idea, says Sgt. Mark Hadsell, is to break a subject's resistance by annoying that person with what some Iraqis would consider culturally offensive music. The songs that are being played include METALLICA's "Enter Sandman" and DROWNING POOL's "Bodies" from the Vin Diesel "XXX" movie soundtrack. "These people haven't heard heavy metal before," he explains. "They can't take it." Few people could put up with the sledgehammer riffs of METALLICA, and kiddie songs aren't that much easier, especially when selections include the "Sesame Street" theme and some of purple dinosaur Barney's crooning.

Cerulean said:
Is it Immense Intense Suspense? Cos their other one can't be called death metal and is actually a very strange album.

yes, it's immense intense whatever- ense ;)

i always thought, this album was weird ......nice cover artwork though

didn't know they made another one, any good?
LuminousAether said:
From my experience, I'd say around 90% of Selloutica's fanbase consists of mouth breathing, hard hat wearing, certifiable retards. White trash tout their beloved purveyors of mainstream metal with a black-toothed smile bordering on obscenity. This is the same with Pantera, a band that I would definitely lump with Metallica. Also, using the "how many cds a band sells" argument is really weak. I mean, the Backstreet Boys sold a few million albums, and I can guarantee that they are useless., PanterA is actually a kick ass band unlike Metallica so please don't ever lump them together :Smug: