Metallica -Human

You know I always thought those 2 songs from S&M where really good, no leaf clover aswell. They shoyuld have made a studio album out of those sessions, instead we got St. Anger 4 years after.
bloody good song. i think S & M was a good idea that could have gone so wrong but actually turned out very well. when i first heard they was planning on playing with a symphony orchestra i was kinda hmmm will it work? turned out great though IMO. the dvd of it is excellent.
This song is the highlight of S&M for me. I fucking love it. The intro is amazingly epic, it sounds like something out of Star Wars!! ..or something
It REALLY worked with Call of Ktulu. In ways i enjoy the S&M version so much more. Of Wolf and Man was another great one, Thing That Should Not Be, Devils Dance, Nothing Else Matters, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Wherever I May Roam and Sad But True. they're my favourites (not including the two origionals) from that album. the orchestra works so well on those songs, it does on the other but there you go. Call of ktulu is just.... i cant explain how awesome that song is with an orchestra. Cliff would have loved that apperently, which is awesome.
The worst thing about S&M is the awful drumming.

Compared to the actual Lars Ulrich, the drumming on S&M is brilliant :p

I don't mind -Human, it's not that good but it's not bad either. And the performance of Master of Puppes here has to be my favorite one ever, I like it even more than the album version, mainly because of the vocals.