This is one bizarre thread, I will tell you. It has to be indicative of the age of the one who posts each particular list. For instance, I absolutely refuse to believe that anyone over the age of, say, 28 would EVER discuss a list of thier favorite Death albums, and put Leprosy and SBG in the last two positions. Mind you, I am not putting any value or judgement on either scenario, just commenting that it must be a generational thing. Anyone care to prove me wrong? Let's try an experiment.
Which of the following two lists of Death cd's MORE CLOSELY resembles your opinion (as far as best albums goes). Respond with your pick and your age.
1) Leprosy
2) Scream Bloody Gore
3) Spiritual Healing
And the rest(4-7) in no particular order: Human, TSOP, ITP, Symbolic
1-4 in no particular order, Human, TSOP, ITP, Symbolic, and the rest (5-7) something like as follows:
5) Spiritual Healing
6) Leprosy
7) Scream Bloody Gore
Which LIST, and how old?