Metallica - One song band or true metal band?

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True, but the point is, I can respect the Metallica that wrote Load and Reload more than the Metallica that wrote Black and St. Anger.


actually a few decent songs off Load/Reload, The House Jack Built comes to mind... been a trillion years since I've listened to any Metallica so I don't really know what other ones I might be referring to... those albums are way way way too incredibly inconsistent though
Metallica have always done what they wanted musically weather it sucks or not, i feel st anger was one album that wasnt natural, tha was manufactured more than anyhitng, hence the shitness of it
The Timebird said:
anybody who uses the word gobshite on message boards without italicising it is inferior to me

Anybody who gives a shit about that is inferior to me.
Could someone please tell me why the Black album is so 'shit'

I think Enter Sandman, Sad But True, The Unforgiven, Don't Tread on Me, Nothing Else Matters, and My Friend of Misery are all quality tunes, I dont see why the album (on this forum) is so hated.
Hanger 18 said:
Could someone please tell me why the Black album is so 'shit'

I think Enter Sandman, Sad But True, The Unforgiven, Don't Tread on Me, Nothing Else Matters, and My Friend of Misery are all quality tunes, I dont see why the album (on this forum) is so hated.

The Black Album - a track by track rebuttal.

Enter Sandman - An average track. Lacks utter depth.
Sad But True - Stand out track, but rather tellingly, always sounds better as a cover version by someone else.
Holier Than Thou - Thrash by numbers. Vapid.
The Unforgiven - More mirror straddling psycho-crap.
Where ever I roam - Bringing "tedium" into the mainstream
Don't tread on me - Showcases a style of songwriting to be perfected over the "loads" (i.e. dull)
Through the never - One off kilter riff does not make this quality
Nothing Else Matters - Pass the fucking sick bag, vicar
Of Wolf and Man - The worst metal song about lycanthropy ever, and it's up against some stiff competition.
The God that Failed - I quite like this, oddly.
My Friend of Misery - boring.
The Struggle Within - as above, only more so

Does that answer the question?
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