Metallica - St Anger

I am actually a very tolerant Metal fan and can see at least some good things in each release but yeah this one is hard to defend. You could say it's the stinker to end all stinkers and it comes from the band that recorded Ride The Lightning and Master Of Puppets. Holy shit that is an impressive gradual career nosedive these guys have been on eh?:lol:
The scathing comments have been hilarious here.hahaha.. Keep it up.:)
p.s. I wouldn't blame Bob Rock for the drum sound. Lars must take the blame for that and infact everything METALLICA have done since cliff died!:lol:
No track by track review here. All the song are shit. They've probably killed Kirk Hammet. Some 5 year old kid filled in for Lars, playing pots and pans and a trashcan. No real riffs. MEtallica, you've let you only true fanbase down.
I think Metallica deserve credit for ignoring the rest of the world and just making the music they wanted. However, that music tends to suck. It was kinda stupid(Fran-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-toc!), not very catchy(Fran-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-toc!), and didn't really have a single good part(Fran-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-toc!). Frantic was sorta (Fran-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-tic-toc!) alright, the rest sucked. I sorta dug The Unnamed Feeling and was eh on Purify. But overall, not good for people who aren't members of Metallica. Still, they get credit for making their own album on their own terms. If only it had been a good album.
All I have to say is that this album supports two burning theories:

1 - All artists are better when they're under the influence.

2 - Metallica - post Justice can not make a good song for shit.
I liked some of it when I first got it. Their sound really got on my nerves though and now I never play it and I haven't put it on my computer or mp3 player etc. I wouldn't mind it if they had what people who don't actually like REAL metal call a boring sound now. Poor songs compared to before and terrible production.
St. Anger isn't a bad album, as such. It ranks above some stuff I've heard. Its just that it pales into... something very pale... when compared to the monsters that are Master of Puppets, the black album, and ride the lightning. It wasn't really an inspired effort, and I ESPECIALLY hope they're going to sort out the fucking drums in their new album, which killed St. Anger.
Dän;5413999 said:
Another thing. St anger is a very forced album, they forced it to be a certain way rather than letting just naturally evolve, everything from the production to the song length/themes were forced so that they would appear a certain way. While Load/Reload are utter shit, I have more respect for those albums than for st anger becuase they did what they wanted and didn't give a fuck about who thought what.

I agree,the main problem with St Anger is that they seem to have decided before that "lets sound angry"
I have never seen Load and ReLoad as sellout-albums,you can hear that it´s a natural step in their career,not saying anything about the actual quality of those records.
St. Anger, while still pretty horrible, I don't think is as bad as people say it is. It's better than the musical turds that were Load and Reload, anyway.
It is pretty bad. for bout 2 years it colected dust, and then it got lost somewhere. definately money wasted on ther original.