Metallum Maximum Aeturnum!!

jdelpi said:
That's the whole set of songs for the CD. It came straight from Good to see they added "I Am the Law." Brent forgot to put it on the site originally and blab had it missing. I IMed Brent. I emailed blab.

I hope they do the full version of "Among the Living."
Yes Justin, it's the full version with the solo. No medley BULLSHIT last night, it was OLD SCHOOL. Seriously, it was great hearing the songs not cut down and with John singing them. The new version of Deathrider was great (cowbell and all) although Rob broke a string, i'm sure it'll be fixed. I really dug Keep It In The Family (HEAVY) and Be All End All ruled also. Just a great night and it was a long time coming.
BIGPHAT442 said:
Yes Justin, it's the full version with the solo. No medley BULLSHIT last night, it was OLD SCHOOL. Seriously, it was great hearing the songs not cut down and with John singing them. The new version of Deathrider was great (cowbell and all) although Rob broke a string, i'm sure it'll be fixed. I really dug Keep It In The Family (HEAVY) and Be All End All ruled also. Just a great night and it was a long time coming.
Thanks for convincing them to drop the medleys a while back. They were somewhat interesting but nowhere near as cool as the full songs. I thought "Among the Living" was incomplete without the guitar solo. "Caught in a Mosh" is okay without it. I almost shit myself when they played the FULL version of "Be All, End All" in Columbus last year. Can't wait to hear "Anthrax" and "Deathrider." Esp. with cowbell. I hope one of the cameras zoomed in on the cowbell.

Did they do "Intro to Reality"?

"13" got 100 votes.
irratebass said:
Fucking Sweet, ok so where you in a STUDIO or at a live venue? You people keep saying it was a show, but I thought it was a recording studio, please help me here.
They crammed some people into a room in a recording studio and played for them. Kind of like what I want for my birthday party this year. Only it won't happen.
Cool, thanks, so were they actually in the STUDIO with the band or were you in the engineers room (behind the glass?) how long did everything last? Were there any fuck ups at all or was it just Bam, next song, Bam, next song?
irratebass said:
Cool, thanks, so were they actually in the STUDIO with the band or were you in the engineers room (behind the glass?) how long did everything last? Were there any fuck ups at all or was it just Bam, next song, Bam, next song?

I wasn't there. I was in my not-so-warm home in Columbus, Ohio. Buddy Love Bomb wanted to go but I was too pussy.

The fans were with the band. I think they played an hour.
There was one camera on a moving crane which was taking cool sweeping shots and I think there were 4 or 5 hand held cameras too.

Intro To Reality was not played but they did start Belly of the Beast with Dethroned Emperor.
This will probably be the best metal release of 2004. Nevermind the probably: it WILL BE the best.
Btw, how much would it cost to get Anthrax to play a birthday party/beer bash ?
I think the people that wanted no covers are the dumbest human beings on earth. How could you not want to have John sing Antisocial? I saw them live once and John sang Antisocial and I swear it was the most bitchen song on their live set. I could maybe understand Got the Time because even though it is a kick ass song, I prefer Antisocial. These are the other songs that should have been added: Blood, Medusa, The Enemy, Antisocial, Time, Got the Time, Gridloc and One Man Stands
trauma said:
I think the people that wanted no covers are the dumbest human beings on earth. How could you not want to have John sing Antisocial? I saw them live once and John sang Antisocial and I swear it was the most bitchen song on their live set. I could maybe understand Got the Time because even though it is a kick ass song, I prefer Antisocial. These are the other songs that should have been added: Blood, Medusa, The Enemy, Antisocial, Time, Got the Time, Gridloc and One Man Stands
I think people who call other people the dumbest human beings on earth for expressing an honest opinion are the dumbest human beings on earth.
good to see thrax saw some sense,the record would have sucked if got the time and anti were on there,by the way i am quite happy with the final result!!!
This will probably be the best metal release of 2004. Nevermind the probably: it WILL BE the best.
Btw, how much would it cost to get Anthrax to play a birthday party/beer bash ?

Well for them to play Indianapolis, they were asking for $6,000.00 so start saving now.

Trauma, nothing wrong with those covers, but I think people want to hear Thrax's original tunes as opposed to covers, I agree John doing Antisocial is great live, I just think people are well to put it bluntly, tired of the covers, they have been doing Antisocial nonstop since the SOE tour, time to do some new stuff and retire it. I am VERY pleased with the final result, I want this shit now!!!!!!