metalmania Poland and Ostrawa (CZ)


Oct 12, 2002
I wonder why there are no reactions on these festivals because
Anathema played there
As the Czechian Republic has been a favourite holiday place for me
for years in the past and I visited Poland too (Krakau) I was wondering
that nobody had to say anything about it

And it happened for real because I had a mail from Petra from the
'Endless' website that she enjoyed it a lot, especially Anathema and
Opeth and the only Czechian band Endless

So all you folks get out your impressions ............
I was just about to open a thread to ask about these festivals.

I was supposed to go to Katowice last Saturday, but the driver and the other guys we would've gone with called the whole thing off on Friday. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Sopel was there, he will tell us. He may have some pics, too.
This was on the official mailing list:
(sorry about the linebreaks)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metalmania last Saturday was incredible. It was my first time when I saw
Anathema live. The played only 8 songs and the ticket cost 100 zl (about 25
$, it`s a lot for student in Poland),but I would pay even twice more,
because it was beautiful experience and i won`t forget about that all my
life. I`d like to thank Anathema for their exist. Without them that planet
won`t be the same.
The fans could see them about 16.30 when they were giving autographs.
When they appeared everyone shouted "Anathema". There were all the brothers
and John and Lecter. All the Anathema. I was happy that I could see Jammie.
And the was the best I have ever seen. Someone on the list
said that they had played new song, i didn`t hear that. It`s all the songs
they played:
1. Fragile Dream
2. Release
3. Angelica
4. Judgement
5. Panic
7. Phantom Of The Opera
8. A Dying Wish

I almost lost my voice screaming words of the songs..I was crazy....and
"One Last Goodbye"....I cried hearing that song...words can`t describe what
i felt...Anathema are masters of soul music. I was very exited..and it
wasn`t the end for me.
Later, when Vader was playing, I saw Danny and Jammi walking throught
the corridors. They were almost alone, so I came up to them. I shaked hands
with them. They gave me special autograph with dedication for my girlfriend
(i regret she was absent :( ) and we started talking. I talked with Danny
only, because some girls want to make a photo with Jammi. Danny is very nice
person. He told me that new album will be in the end of year probably in
October, and it will be something like AFDTE but there will be some change.
I asked why he left the band, and he told that he was very sorry about that,
"it was tragic mistake" and it won`t happen anymore. He thanked all the fans
in the Poland. He thanked for their support and being. He regret that they
played in Poland so rarely, and it`s because fucking money anf menagers. He
didn`t know if they played in Poland next year. He said that the atmosphere
at the koncert was incredible.. He thanked for all that. We talked almost 10
min......I regret that I hadn`t a camera....
In conclusion....I`m proud that I`m the fan of them. Poland love
Anathema not only for their music, but for their being too.

Mateusz Nowakowski
+34 to ghostie for mentioning jamie , jaaaamie and the magic torch.

jammy means lucky where im from, useless fact of the day for yiz