Mic-Shootout: T-Bone MB75 vs. Shure SM57


Sep 25, 2009
before I bought my SM57 I've got only a cheap Copy from Thomann (T-Bone MB75 / 33,- EUR). Today I have made a quick comparison between this two mics. I reamped a short riff through my peavey 6505 (EMG81 > OD-9 > Peavey 6505 > Mesa Stiletto 4x12 // same speaker, same mic position, NO post processing.)

(first sample: t.bone // second: shure)

You can hear, the shure has more low-end and smoother hi-mids. I like it more than the Copy and i am happy with it :)
But i think, you can also get good results with a MB75.

What do you think about this comparison and maybe about the tone?!?

I actually really liked the way the MB sounded. They'd probably sound really good blended.
In this particular instance, it seemed that the 57 had a little more articulation than the T-Bone.
hey, thanks for your replies!

were both tracks re amp tracks or was one the original?
both tracks were reamped.

The SM57 have that Bottom what I've missed before with the MB75.
I think the difference is huge in the low-end! Don't compare it through your laptop speakers ;)


... what do you think about the guitar-tone?