Micing that Bass Amp!


Apr 9, 2008
Near Chicago, IL. USA
Anyone have any advice for micing up a bass amp or getting that really good metal bass sound? I've tried a few kick mics on the speakers and I get an average sound but it's not enough.
What kind of bass cab are you usually micing? Our bassist have a 4x10+1x15 setup, should we record only one cabinet (wich one? :)) or try to mix 3 signal (DI+both cabs)? Or even more: his amp has an effect loop, so there is one more possible signal :cool: I think if these 4 signals could be managed to be in phase, that would be a faaaaat bass sound.
i usually record 4x10 cabs or 8x10 cabs (10 inches are more fullrange than 15 inches + they sound more punchy and move more air)
i have recorded a setup with 4x10 and 1x15 before but that was with a biamped configuration with crosover @ 200 HZ. I put a D112 in front of the 15" for the low end and a 906 in front of the 4x10 for the midrange growl
Another one: is it a good idea, to use the DI track for mids/highs, and the 15" for lows? Our bassist doesn't really like his 4x10 so it would be a little hard to convince him to record that and not the15" :)
We have D6 (and D4, D2 - from the Audix drum set) and 57 mics, so I think we will try to use those on both of the cabinets, then I will take the best sounding one in the mix, hoping that the bassist won't notice if his 15" is left out :)
reording all and then choosing what sounds best sounds like the best option. i would go for the D6 on the 15" and a 57 on the 4x10.
usually i wouldn't use the 15" for the low and a DI for mids / highs. i think the lows would sound tighter from the DI track and the highs would sound more harmonic through a cab. but see what works for you!
in all honesty, i usually try to stay away from using a kick mic on the bass...especially if it's the same model mic i used on the drums.

if you've never tried it, stick an off-axis SDC in front a bass cab, and see what it does for you
try combining a 421 and a beyer m88 for bass; the m88 sits well in the mix while the 421 sits very well slighty higher than the m88. Always capture the DI, if not for blending, then for reamping.
I'm loving the combination D112 / sm57 latately. The d112 is nice and punchy, the 57 nice and edgy. make shure to move the mics till the phase is exaclty the same, usually i have to put the 57 about 3 cm further away from the cloth than the d112

I usually mic an Ampeg 810 with a D112 and a 57, plus do a good DI. I like the Countryman a lot for Bass.
my set-up is because i use a D6 for my kicks, i use a beta 52 for my bass cab and i also use the beta 52 for my floor tom.

Dude... don't get me wrong... I like the D6 for kicks, but my experience has shown me that the Beta 52 has more of the "traditional" sound for metal on a kick drum. I do a lot less EQ-ing when I track the kick with a Beta 52. I have found the D6 to be great for Rock though. I rarely even use the D112 on a kick anymore. I use it for micing Bass amps and floor toms.
Dude... don't get me wrong... I like the D6 for kicks, but my experience has shown me that the Beta 52 has more of the "traditional" sound for metal on a kick drum. I do a lot less EQ-ing when I track the kick with a Beta 52. I have found the D6 to be great for Rock though. I rarely even use the D112 on a kick anymore. I use it for micing Bass amps and floor toms.
well they do have different sounds...and for me it gives me that tightness with a punch and i don't have to eq much. hey if the beta works better for you then cool. i have had good results using the 52 on kicks with metal bands that sound a little more like Creed, Sevendust, and the like. but for death metal i love the D6. but i also use subkicks too so that might be a factor.
Dude... don't get me wrong... I like the D6 for kicks, but my experience has shown me that the Beta 52 has more of the "traditional" sound for metal on a kick drum. I do a lot less EQ-ing when I track the kick with a Beta 52. I have found the D6 to be great for Rock though. I rarely even use the D112 on a kick anymore. I use it for micing Bass amps and floor toms.

I haven't used the Beta 52 much, but it seems much clickier than a D6. I think the D6 is perfect for metal straight away, huge lows and plenty of click too.

I honestly haven't tracked metal band and not got the kick I was looking for with the D6.

The D112 on the other hand....
Well, the situation could have a great deal to do with the signal chain too. You might be running the D6 through a preamp I haven't tried that colors the mic just right. A lot of factors could come into play... where you like to place the mic, as opposed to where I like it, preamps, and even what you like to hear from the kick as opposed to what I like. And again... I definitely don't dislike the D6, by any means.
I guess bassdrum miking is really depending on flavour and the production. I think the D6 is awesome for kicks but too squeezed to get an nice round bass guitar sound.

My favourite bass miking chain is a good DI box (Sansamp,BSS, some bass amplifiers have nice DI-outs as well) and link the one too a good bass cabinet (Ampeg,Hartke,MarkBass etc.) SM57 for the high's and Beta52 for the lo's