Mic's Right SPL to guitar cab micing


Mar 30, 2005
Which is the right max mic's SPL if I wanna try it in front of a guitar cabinet?
I was reading some reviews for an ADK mic and I read the S51 model has an higher SPL than the A51 so you can put it in front of a cab.
S51 has 130/140 db of max SPL and A51 has 130db.
I've never checked this thing before and I used my main vocal mic (Superlux tube mic - U67 replica) for cab micing in the past...not really loud micing (6505 with volume at 1) and it has 128db of max SPL.
Since I don't want to break my mics, do you have some info about SPL for guitar cab micing?
I also noticed the sm57 has 92db of max SPL......So I'm more confused

This is not correct, Shure doesn't provide a max SPL in the specs sheet for the 57, but if I had to guess it'd be in the 140-150 range.

Also, max SPL does not mean your mic will be damaged if you exceed those levels. The mic will just start clipping and sound like shit.