MIDI automation


Jun 3, 2005

I'm having a problem with midi automation that even it's on another channel when i set the automation for the track it reflects on the other midi track i have

any clue about this?

I spent 1 hour checking what i'm doing wrong but no luck

What i did:

i have a drum track with DFH, at the end of the track i set another channel and did a cymbal swell, i want to automate the volume for the cymbal swell to even it out and when i do that the whole drum track gets lowered too

Thanks if any of you could help me
I think all midi tracks that are drums, get panned together, and have a linked volume control. I know it's a resource hog, but try running another instance of DFH, then you should be able to point the cymball swell midi track to the second DFH and it should work.
not sure i properly understand your problem... but perhaps you simply need to set the cymbal on a separate midi channel.
Right on Cob , i will try that
I havent thought on that...

James i've set another midi track only for the Cymbal swell but run the same DFH instance i think cob's idea will work
Right on Cob , i will try that
I havent thought on that...

James i've set another midi track only for the Cymbal swell but run the same DFH instance i think cob's idea will work
yes, but you should be able to run up to 16 different midi channels within one instance of DFH, simply cut the cymbal from the main midi track, paste it to it's own track, assign that track to the next midi channel... then switch DFH to that other midi channel and assign that cymbal sound to the same note as before. much more DSP efficient.
yes, but you should be able to run up to 16 different midi channels within one instance of DFH, simply cut the cymbal from the main midi track, paste it to it's own track, assign that track to the next midi channel... then switch DFH to that other midi channel and assign that cymbal sound to the same note as before. much more DSP efficient.

I'm having a problem with midi automation that even it's on another channel when i set the automation for the track it reflects on the other midi track i have

I believe he's already tried the midi file on another channel, but the automation is still affecting that other channel as well.
I believe he's already tried the midi file on another channel, but the automation is still affecting that other channel as well.
i think when he said channel he actually meant "track".. in which case my "fix" is still the right way to go.

but if indeed he does have it on another actual midi channel, then i'd say the first channel would have to be set to Omni... take it off Omni and assign it a unique midi channel.
i think when he said channel he actually meant "track".. in which case my "fix" is still the right way to go.

but if indeed he does have it on another actual midi channel, then i'd say the first channel would have to be set to Omni... take it off Omni and assign it a unique midi channel.

Ah ok, you're probably right :)