MIDI Bass plug ins


Oct 10, 2009
Hey , I'm in the middle of mixing a band right now that has a terrible bass tone. (it was also played really badly) I remember seeing a topic on here not too long ago about a midi bass plug in that you can buy , that sounded pretty damn good. I thought it was studio devil or something but I googled that and it just came up with bass amp sims. Anyone know what program I am thinking of? Or maybe suggest another ? Also curious does this plug in have a fretboard like Guitar Pro? I can do without it but I really like having that. I have Xpand 2 that comes with PT 8 but the bass sounds in that aren't any good for metal. I was actually curious if there is a plug in that uses bass DI samples that you could even run through POD farm or something...

Thanks guys !:kickass:
It was probably what Skinny Viking linked, but there are several other really good MIDI bass libraries out now including the Scarbee Bass libraries for Kontakt. Also Orange Tree puts out a few nice libraries in their CoreBass offerings. I believe both offer DI samples that can then be reamped through one of the VST Amp Sims.
I really like the scarbee ones, especially since they offer one with all DI's for only 89 bucks. However they seem like they are all geared towards funk from the 70s... is there a pack these guys make for rock / metal? Or maybe by a different company?
Yes Trillian is cool but like I said they would do more business if they sold some of those as individual , lower priced packs

as it stands I think for now I will have to buy the scarbee one with the DI
You were asking about a library dedicated to more rock bass type sounds, I just found out about this one : Prominy SR5 Rock Bass

The videos seem to show it offering some nice stuff for rock oriented bass. Plus it's currently being offered for $99.00 as a presale item.
