MIDI CC to controll VSTs (Cubase)


Jan 23, 2008
Gothenburg, Sweden
Hi guys!
I have been using this great plugin called Console VST (a vst host/chainer) for a while and I find it the most useful plugin while making VST guitar/bass-tones.
My problem is that I can't figure out how to use the automation function with it, and as seen on this page they use MIDI CC to change between different guitartones.
My question is how I can create a MIDI track (without an external controller) in cubase to controll the MIDI CC in console.
An example would be that normaly my bass is distorted but when I want a clean bass it just turns the distorted lane off (I use one lane for the low part and one for the distorted part).
Not sure, but I would say you will have to:
create MIDI track - set output to consoleVST
select the MIDI track, open the list editor (ctrl-L or something, it's in the MIDI menu)
you can put any kind of MIDI message from there---check the help for details.