MIDI problem, audio just disappears.


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
So I've started working on drums for my songs and everything was going smooth for two songs..
The third song was going well until I was about to render the drums..
I use Steven Slate Drums EX (all exp) 3.5.. and the DAW is Reaper..

I use the Schwa Midi_Humanizer that comes with Reaper, it has gone crazy a couple of times with this song, not following the settings, but now it seems to be stable.

There shouldn't be any difference, between the songs, in terms of programming and settings etc.

The issue I have is that in the middle of the song, the drums just stop playing.. They don't do it when I just hit play (although it has happened), but when I render to stems or rendering a master mix from the menu..
The whole project renders, but the audio from the drums just stops..
If I render a part of the song, the part where the audio drops out is rendered, but not if I render from the beginning.

I've reloaded the project etc. removed the Humanizer and reloaded new instances of SSD, several times..
No change..

So I started removing and replacing the hits in the MIDI-drumtrack, I did it with about 2 - 3 bars.. aaaand.. it worked.. the audio continued until the old programming started..

Of course I could start redoing half the song, but that takes a lot of time..
I'm sure I've missed something simple or must've activated some function..

Ideas on a solution?

I solved the problem by using a "repair" function in Awave Studio on the MIDI-track.. and then saved the file, and imported it into my project..