Midweek Mayhem - Less than 50 tickets remain (update 9/6)

Daniel Gildenlow is/was staunchly anti-George W Bush and has made his opinion known on US foreign policy, the TSA, etc. I'm sure there are interviews out there where he discussed it, but I'm too lazy to find them. If you're interested in digging deeper, search for interviews circa 2004 - 2008.

Well.. We could all go political on this one, but I'll keep it clean. Is there ANYONE who likes TSA?
It was an amazing show! Pain of Salvation went old school and only played songs from Entropia and The Perfect Element. This included some of the songs you would expect for them to play from these albums and also some rarer gems. The band was totally lose and having fun, evidenced by them covering Kiss' Love Gun.

An amazing way to get things started.
Great show all around! Pain of Salvation covering Kiss before launching into and extended blues jam is something I never thought I'd see.
Theocracy was killer. I wish they had played "30 Pieces of Silver" and the mix was a little off at times (backing vocals and Jonathan's guitar were both low from where I was standing), but I can't fault the band for either the song omission or the mix. I haven't seen them since 2006 and Matt focusing on vocals really allowed him to step his game up as a frontman. Highlight of the evening for me.
Vangough was also pretty cool! Great band! Yeah, the mix for Theocracy was so-so! Vocals were really low and you could not hear the bassist's vocals at all!!
The POS show was bad. It's out there. Utter shit. Completely self indulgent with annoying jamming and obnoxious commentary. Garbage. Make it be Thursday and erase my memory of that performance.
The POS show was bad. It's out there. Utter shit. Completely self indulgent with annoying jamming and obnoxious commentary. Garbage. Make it be Thursday and erase my memory of that performance.

Haters gonna hate. The POS show was an incredible experience of total surprises. I was expecting at least something from Road Salt, but they went sdenlotraight for the throat with all old material! Incredible, ballsy move. Maybe a little sloppy at times, but a great way to kick off ProgPower weekend. I, for one can't wait to see them again in a few days

Thank you Mr Gildenlow! You Sir, are a demi God
The POS show was bad. It's out there. Utter shit. Completely self indulgent with annoying jamming and obnoxious commentary. Garbage. Make it be Thursday and erase my memory of that performance.

My guess is the more casual loose presentation is a counterpoint to when they do Remedy Lane. To me this was the special show that was hinted at leading up to it. It felt like more of a performance for a friendly prog power crowd, hence the joking around etc. They were not like that when they last played PP and I doubt the will be that informal on tour. As I said, for me them being so loose and having fun (along with the old school setlist) made for a unique show and made traveling out a day early and the extra expense worth it.

Also I thought Vangough was amazing. Seemed like by about half way through their set they had really gotten the crowd into the show. I hope they made some new fans last night.
Vangough definitely moved me into their corner! I picked up all 3 cd's even though I had one of them on my iPod already(...cough choke download...ahem...). They deserve to have their product purchased directly so they can make a little bit of money. Hope they gain some fans on tour.
Curious if this was the best selling Mid-Week Mayhem ever. The place was packed. Kudos!!