Mikael, what songs are your most proud of?


Jan 13, 2004
I doubt you'll answer, but you are around occasionally, so perhaps you might. I'm curious as to what songs you can look back on and allow some pride to seep in. As to say "wow, im even shocked that i was capable of that song." If i were you i would probably go with Ghost of Perdition, Deliverence, and Godhead's lament. Those songs are just pure gems of song writing.

What does everyone else think? Songs that, even if theyre not your favorite, are just incredible songs to even exist.
Moonlapse Vertigo, Ghost of Perdition, By The Pain I See In Others, To Bid You Farewell
Beyond my two favorite songs:
Ghost of Perdition
The Drapery Falls

There are still too many Opeth songs that I believe Mikael should be proud of, way too many. But, as an artist, I assume Mikael would be more critical of his own work then me the listener, so who knows how many songs he would pat himself (and the rest of the band) on his back for.
Also a pretty obvious choice would be Demon of the Fall, that's the song that originally got me hooked on Opeth, and it just never seems to get old.
Yeah, face of melinda is definitely amazing. It has the great music as well has really well written lyrics to go along with it. I hope he answers at some point, because i'm quite curious as to what he thinks.