Mike Akerfeldt & Steve Wilson

Yeah, that was probably sean then. I have red hair, in case you saw somebody with red hair in that area. Um, i dont know if i saw still life, but i did see some opeth shirts. I probably saw you, but just felt too weird to be like "hey, i dont know who you are, nor do you know who i am, but i think youre someone on this opeth forum"
spigot said:
I'm looking forward a lot more to the rumoured Mikael with Spiritual Beggars collaboration.

That would be cool, just got "Ad Astra", my first from them. Very good if you're into that style. Need to look into some more.

As far as the topic, how about if both complete bands combined and called themselves...Porcupeth, or O'Tree. Yes, wise ass I know...but seriously, I could see them doing a side project under another name...combining both styles. Who know's?

Interviewer: ou’ve worked with quite a few people of different genres, most recently with Adrian Belew (King Crimson, David Bowie) and Michael Ackerfeldt (Opeth) on the new album. If you could choose, who would you like most to collaborate with on a future project?

SW: Oh, Man… that’s really tough. There’s another Swedish band I really love called Meshuggah. They’re another very extreme metal band and they’re probably the most accomplished musicians working in the genre… or working in rock music at all. Incredible, incredible standard of musicianship and incredibly heavy music. I’d love to work with them. I’d actually like to do a project with Michael from Opeth – the two of us writing together, I think that would be quite interesting.

From an interview here - http://www.rockeyez.com/interviews/int-porcupine-tree.html

looks to me like its gunna happen (YAYS :worship: )
How did you happen to start working with Opeth?
Well, I’d never heard of them until a French Journalist actually gave me a cd and said that he’d interviewed Michael (Ackerfeldt) from the band a couple of days earlier and Michael had said "Please give the cd to Steve, I’m a big fan". So that was my introduction to them. I get given a lot of cds when I’m on tour and usually they don’t particularly blow me away. But this one completely blew me away to the extent that I just dropped Michael a line an said “I was given your cd and I really love what you’re doing.” Then I got this e-mail back saying “Great! Because I’ve been trying to get in touch with you; we need you to produce our new record – we’re going in on Tuesday.” Luckily at the time I was available, so I ended up going in with them - having just met them - and making the record ‘Blackwater Park.’

"we’re ‘artists,’ we’re not ‘entertainers’. So we can’t be expected to perform like monkeys…"

Cheers for the interview! Damn good read