Mike and Mike video!

insted of interviewing them for an hour they should have locked akey and portnoy in a studio to record something! Invite steven wilson over under the disguise that they are eating crumpits and drinking tea.
Now we're getting something! Not just I like your music stuff. It really would be nice if they do some music together.
I love how Portnoy pronounces "Leif" wrong two times in a row,"is it Leaf?...Life?"

I had to check what was that about. It's second part around 3.30 if someone wants to know what the heck is it about. Well, even if Part IV sucks I wanna watch that one too... from youtube of course.
Now there is parts 4 and 5 available melted into one:
^I don't think it's roadrunner who made this melted version. But yeah, Lotus Eater in the background is quite annoying.

Anyway I think it's cool what Mikael says about Opeth focusing on agressive and heavy songs in their set list. Hehe it's like saying "If we can't beat you in technique and complexity we'll just kick your ass with brutallity". Although I think Opeth also beats Dream Theater by miles with dreaming mollow parts.
There's more stuff! Parts 6 and 7. Talking about many bands they like to listen...

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It's funny....back on DT's Scenes tour, I asked John Petrucci, and Mike if they'd ever listened to Progressive Death Metal. I vaguely remember one of them asking "prog death?", and me smiling, and mentioning Opeth being 70's prog, married with death metal, and also mentioning Edge of Sanity along with Opeth. And, a few other fans were waiting around by me, getting autographs as well, and I remember one guy behind me waiting, piped up about Opeth being awesome as well. The DT dvd's always have Portnoy and the band with commentary, and on the 5 Years and a Lifetime dvd commentary, Potnoy and Petrucci make a little comment about them. When I go see them in early June, this really couldn't be better timing. I already have my ticket, and I'm glad I got it, because I'm fucking broke!! Now I don't have to worry about having to miss one of the two bands. I'll have another job by the time Opeth comes back with their own tour, but I don't have to worry about coming up with another $40 that I don't have!
:lol: Well, Moses and his people quit one day in the middle of a new building project...I ended up spending so much on hiring more soldiers to "convince" them to come back to work.:Smug: It was my jet black German Shepherd's name. He was the darkest black animal I'd ever seen. When I'd take him outside to run around at night, you could only hear him gallop by, back and forth. Endless energy....I miss him terribly...