Mike Lepond no longer endorsed by Caparison?

If I were a bass player looking for a new instrument, I would not hesitate to buy that particular one...
Is that the bass LePond put on eBay over a year ago? Is the winner selling it back?
I call BS. For one, the bass Mike sold on eBaY was sold in 2007, not last year. Secondly, it was the bass he played on V and LotEoF, long before he was endorsed by Caparison. And thirdly, I'm sure that MJR would've let me know that LePond's endorsement info had changed since we've been discussing content for the revamped website.

That said, I could very well be clueless & it may just be someone Mike knows who bought it from him, so I'm going to send the link to this thread to LePond & ask him myself. I'll let you know what he says.
Yep..I was clueless! Here's what Mike said:

"Yes, that is my bass on ebay.
I am now endorsed by Peavey. I play a Peavey Zodiac DE bass. I also use Peavey amplification. However, Caparison has made me a new custom Dellinger bass that I will use in Asia. The Bass on ebay is the original one I received in 2005. By the way, I'm also endorsed by Rotosound strings, Tech 21, and Dunlop."
Yep..I was clueless! Here's what Mike said:

"Yes, that is my bass on ebay.
I am now endorsed by Peavey. I play a Peavey Zodiac DE bass. I also use Peavey amplification. However, Caparison has made me a new custom Dellinger bass that I will use in Asia. The Bass on ebay is the original one I received in 2005. By the way, I'm also endorsed by Rotosound strings, Tech 21, and Dunlop."

Interesting! Thanks for the clarification AND further info Jax!