Mike & Peter's guitars

bl AZN metal85

New Metal Member
Jun 1, 2005

was just wondering what you guys think of Mike and Peter as guitar players. Would you rank them up with Satch, Vai, Walsh, etc. or do you think they've still got a ways to go? thanks
Well I don't really know much about guitar play, but I know what they play sounds fucking great!
mike is my favorite guitar player (fanboi lulullulu) not because he's amazing technically, but because of the raw emotion in his songs and guitar riffs.
Mike and Peter are decent and very tuned and creative in a classic rock fashion, but they really arent legendary or ultimate like Vai, Malmsteen, etc.

However, they both are some of the most talented and creative acoustic guitar players ive seen in a long time.
Crackfare said:
Mike and Peter are decent and very tuned and creative in a classic rock fashion, but they really arent legendary or ultimate like Vai, Malmsteen, etc.

However, they both are some of the most talented and creative acoustic guitar players ive seen in a long time.

jesus, now i love opeth, i do. But they arent that creative as far acoustic players go.
compared to the peeps ive seen, i think they are. Things like hope leaves, fair judgement, closure, I think they got pretty creative riffs. I learn alot from them.
Crackfare said:
Mike and Peter are decent and very tuned and creative in a classic rock fashion, but they really arent legendary or ultimate like Vai, Malmsteen, etc.

However, they both are some of the most talented and creative acoustic guitar players ive seen in a long time.

troo. i think teh best guitarist award must go to jeff loomis
illidurit said:
does this really need to be discussed again

Is it absolutely necessary for you to kill all threads like this? I've noticed a lot of you have a tendency to do this which makes for very little to talk about.

There is a very simple solution.....if you dont like the thread then dont bother reading it. Dont post in it. Just ignore it.

Back to topic, Peter has to be one of the most awkward looking guitarists when he plays leads. His fingers dont seem to flow, they're like spider legs running down the fret board.....weird. Cool, but weird.
the fact that this forum has been around for years and years means that there actually is very little to talk about, and that it is necessary to kill threads that discuss topics that have been rehashed a hundred times

and if you don't like it there's a simple solution, don't bother reading it
