Mike & Peter's least favorite Opeth song


The 1st REAL Demon here..
According to the bio section of opeth's site, it says that Mike and Peter's least favorite Opeth track is "The Night and the Silent Water". Well I have a tendancy to just throw on a random Opeth album and listen to the entire thing from beginning to end. Recently this song came up, and I couldn't help but become attached to this song.

I might be able to understand it could be their least favorite song to write (as the writing process can be very frustrating at times); and also because it is both their least favorite, and this is on Morningrise (which was a time Mike & Peter wrote songs together); so could it be that it is their least favorite track for writing it? Or do they genuinely label their "least favorite" this song because they were unsatisfied with the results?

The thing is I listen to it, and it sounds fucking amazing. You have into into an Opeth's old albums' groove first, as in listening to Advent and so on (or even all of Orchid). Coming straight from Deliverance or BWP might make it sound funny. I honestly like this song, and could hardly say it's my least favorite. What do you think?
I would imagine they would have a hard time recreating it in a live situation, or maybe they just don't enjoy playing it live.
They are unlike many of the other songs which they hit dead on in performances.
It's a fucking awesome song, the only qualm I have with it is the silly whispering at the end.. (the...night...and...the...silent...water) but apart from that I can't see why they don't like it.
Mike has mentioned he doesnt like many things about Morningrise, for example the bass timbre, which I happen to think makes the album brilliant.... go figure. TNATSW is an awesome piece!
Yeah, that's always been one of my favorite tracks on that album. Then Advent, then To Bid You Farewell, and so on. I can't figure it out, and since I'm not the one interested enough in the answer to dedicate a thread to it I'm not going to search for the answer. It may be because they're sick of it. Maybe they loved it at one point, and they played the fuck out of it so much that they can't stand the thing now. I know that's how I get with some of my best songs.

Akerfeldt say:

"I don't wanna slag off any of my/our older tunes, but with TNATSW it's different as I wrote that to my grandfather who'd passed away and it was terrible. Much like the whole recordings of the new albums was "tainted" by my grandmothers passing.
This together with the fact that I don't like the production of the "Morningrise" album at all + some of the riffs for that song feels really "old" today. I liked it at the time and I still think it's a good song, but if I have to chose my least fave Opeth song then that is it.

I consider all songs a document of that time and TNATSW is no exception, but I can't really relate to that tune anymore. Lyrically it's one of those songs I just wanted to leave behind as soon as I was done, you know."
tnatsw is, together with to bid you farewell, my favourite song on morningrise. luckily i listen to it using my own ears and not mike's :grin:

Originally posted by Mr. Niel
Sometimes people just don't notice stuff...
*waiting for someone to write that reason once again*
The Night And The Silent Water = my second least favourite song on Morningrise, next to Nectar.

Btw. Morningrise is my second least favourite Opeth album.
It's always been my favourite track from the album, with To Bid You Farewell closely on its heals.
Static said:
The Night And The Silent Water = my second least favourite song on Morningrise, next to Nectar.

Same with me. Although I'd rather say TNATSW is my fourth favourite, 'cause I love the song. Sounds better.