Least Favorite

I listened to 'Still Life' earlier and liked it a lot more than I thought. Both 'Still Life' and 'Deliverance' have elements the other one does not have. I think it depends what mood you're in at the time. You can't just listen to one and not the other. I'm more into darker music so maybe that is why Deliverance is liked more by me and others. I do not think Deliverance is any more basic than 'Still Life' besides the acoustic playing. 'A Fair Judgement' sounds like something on 'Still Life'. I don't see why 'Deliverance' is not up to level with Opeth's previews offerings in some people's eyes, or why a fans would not like it a lot.

Regardless 'Blackwater Par'k and 'My Arms, Your Hearse' are better than both.

Master's Apprentice's,Wreath and Deliverance are far from Opeth's most basic songs, or any less basic than anything on Still Life. I would say now that Still Life and Deliverance are equallly important. I don't think Deliverance can be written off by any fans, that's ridiculous. It's a very strong album especially for a band that has put out many cds before. The band does not sound tired or worn and ready for many more years. Deliverance is not any worse than anything else they have. Sure people have idea's on what ones are better or they like more. I know there are big deliverance fans out there. I think it's an amazing record. Others an I see what Opeth's intention was with that album which in the end is important. I think a lot of Opeth fans are not use to some of the elements on it. They are naive to what the bands influence's might have been on it.
Shadows Skulk said:
Wreath has a 7 second riff that loops for THREE MINUTES, how can you even entertain the thought that that album is less repetitive than Still Life

Its interesting that you say this...and let me explain why...

Opeth is a band that throughout their career have rarely ever stayed on the same riff for longer than 3 minutes. MOST bands, have 3-4 riffs per song (verse, chorus, bridge, and maybe intro or outro)....and nobody seems to really bat an eye at that. Opeth for Deliverance decided to have a few riffs last a few minutes longer than normal, and instantly everyone is pigeonholing it as worse or at least less than most if not ALL previous Opeth albums. I for one, think thats a rather absurd basis to judge an album by. In my Opinion, a lot of the riffs on deliverance were better written and more mature than a lot of the 30 second riff fluff that often occured in morningrise and Orchid. Granted MANY of those riffs from that time were solid gold, and therefore made those albums timeless and nearly unbeatable. Obviously this is a taste and preference issue...but i just think a lot of people need to sit down and stop taking Opeths normal vomiting of riffs for granted when they make songs like the ones on deliverance...because when it comes down to it, the length of song to riff ratios are still FAR above most other metal bands output. Besides, for Opeth to do ANYTHING different than previous albums is always welcomed by me. For if Opeth ever becomes boring/stagnant and predictable, then i might as well stop listening to metal right now.
I like Deliverance. Earlier Opeth can sometimes wear me out - things happening all over the place, changing flow abruptly, pushing as many elements as they can into their songs. If im in the mood, sure, this is fantastic. But its also nice to have an (ironically) more laid back Opeth to chuck on, where you have time to take in the song development, where there is a stronger sense of continuity.

Wreath, though you might legitimately call it plodding and restricted (in a musical sense), is one of my favourite Opeth songs. Just such a different sense to it. Mock it if you want, and by all means praise Still Life...but don't for a second think that just because another album has 'more' it is necessarily 'better'.

ps. Don't think i hate Still Life. I love that too; i just think people are far, far too harsh on Deliverance, just because they wanted Still Life The Second - Zombie Melinda
why is Deliverance my fav Opeth album? Because it has best and most mature riffs, solos and songwriting. So the whole thing sounds musically better.
But I might be too old for guitar wankery like first albums :P
I started with Orchid 5 years ago, and it was best music ever for me... now I can't hear music there, just shitload of riffs and experimenting, no flow, no music...

If you write music, then riff itself says how much it wants to be played. On Orchid, they just played different riff every couple of seconds. I still can't say by the riff, which song is which...

I didn't like Deliverance at all, when it came out back then... started enjoyng it 1/2 years later and after that became my fav Opeth album, have been 2 years now.

PS. sry for my awkward english...
Mumblefood said:
Anyone who thinks Deliverance isn't the worst is retarded and hasn't listened to enough Opeth. There is nothing subjective about this.

That's possibly THE gayest thing I've ever heard. ive got the whole opeth discography and deliverance is one of my favs along with BWP and SL.
Your gay.

Trey Parker said:
MAYH is the worst

this statement is correct