Least Favorite Opeth Song

Moonlapse said:
The Night and The Silent Water... there is absolutely nothing defining about that song apart from a really really really droning and simple buildup that leads nowhere. I think out of their whole repertoire of songs, having only one significantly failed song is really quite an achievement.
Odd that, I find TNatSW to be their greatest achievement! I find every riff and melody in that song perfect and profound, and I feel it flow and progress with perfect pace and structure......as opposed to many other Opeth songs which really are just sequences of riffs stuck one after the other, with obligatory clean/acoustic interludes. Don't even deny the staleness of the formula! TNatSW is one of the few Opeth songs that really breaks out of the mould.

Guardian of Darkness said:
Moonlapse Vertigo is my choice.
Silly person. Silly, silly person.

Thou art a silly creature, thou art.
My least favorite Opeth song would have to be Patterns in the Ivy 1. Its just always bore me. Its not pritty like Opeths other instrumentals, and its nor is it very chalenging (not that a song needs to be, but if its not ctachy, emoitional or realy out there it might help). This is the only Opeth song I honestly don't enjoy. Of songs with vocals, Weakness. Its ok, and every once in a it clicks with me, but I sort of find the keyboard anoying on that song, and its a little dull. Of the heavy songs Masters Aprentice is at the bottom of my list. Its very repetitive and a little too bulky feeling. I do like the riff but it wears out its welcome. The clean part is cool though.

As for the people bashing TN&tSW and Nectar Ill explain to you why I love those two songs so much. Clearly TN&tSW is talking about someone close to you (in Mikael's case his grandfather) dying. Each "movement" represents a different aspect that one feels when someone dies. Some, like the first acoustic interlude are reflective, second acoustic interlude are very depressing, while the last acoustic interlude is just tragic sounding. Nectar is obviously about love and sex and so on. Once again they do a great job of encomapssing many different emoitions that are connected with love. For example the riff about his lover leaving is very frantic, like its realy bothering him that she's leaving, while the "I swear I'll always love you," riff is just filled with all the huge emoitions he has for his lover. Anyways I don't know if this will make you like these songs much more, but this may give you an idea why these songs are so "unstructured" and why so many people love them. Well thats my two cents...
SculptedCold said:
Don't even deny the staleness of the formula!

Staleness? I always thought that the amazing acoustic interludes are what make Opeth so original. Opeth wouldnt be the same if all of there songs were just raging pieces of metal.
The night and the silent water.. I agree with that one guy that said it just goes on and on but to nowhere. The part before the end blows.. its even Mikaels and Mendez' least fav song.
I think death wispered a lullaby, the chorus on that one makes me wonder what they are doing, but the rest of the album are great.

And I can't understand why some people don't like Orchid, I mean, listen to The twillight is my robe and it all comes together =)