Least Favorite Opeth Song

Can people please give more descript reasons as to why their song is their least favorite?

The reason I like Nector the least is probably, well, because it's just a bit boring, and it's placement on the album, in the middle, it sort of seems like, i dunno.. a chunk of stuff. Please people, tell me I'm wrong, what is good about Nector??
Originally posted by Lina
pretty much all of orchid. oh wait, that's not a song. :p

prepare the firing squads.



it's such a perfect album!
how can you not liking it??
Originally posted by Itay
what?! ORCHID??? it's such a perfect album!
how can you not liking it??
for starters, i still like it better than most cds. but compared to the rest of the opeth albums, i just think it's awful. all those random, poorly played instrumentals that don't fit the flow of the album. just riff, riff, riff -- none of those smooth transitions that define opeth, to me. on a less technical note, many of the riffs are just too happy for my taste. the vocals aren't very strong either. it just sounds extremely immature compared to all their other cds. like they had a certain number of songs in their repetoire already, so they put them all on a cd -- no thought given to flow or theme or the overall result. i've always been amazed by how many people love this cd. the things i like about it are improved upon so much in the following cds -- so why not just listen to those cds? :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Metalmaster


I dont agree, because i like it... it isnt a very complex song, thats right, but the melody cathes you somehow (in my opinion)
My least favorite opeth song is karma... i listened to it very often, but i still havent got into it...
The only part of Karma that I don't like is the beginning. It seems like it doesn't have any sort of flow...not as musical as all of their other songs. However, once it gets to the 1 minute mark, the song is pretty damn good. That one beginning part of the song makes it my least favorite Opeth song, because I love pretty much all parts of their other songs.

I also chose Harvest because I tend to skip it whenever it comes on. It's very musical and soothing to the ears, but I think it's too simple and predictable.

Both are still excellent songs.
OMG how can you have a least favorite? It's hard to pick just ONE favorite for me! I love all their songs!
The Night and the Silent Water

I don't see why people hate Nectar and Dirge for November. Nectar is just fucking great, and Dirge for November takes a little while to appreciate, but it is great to play, and listen to.
anything from Damnation, but discounting that album, probably something from Orchid......I don't know.... =(

Probably Funeral Portrait actually. I remember never enjoying that song.
The Night and The Silent Water... there is absolutely nothing defining about that song apart from a really really really droning and simple buildup that leads nowhere. I think out of their whole repertoire of songs, having only one significantly failed song is really quite an achievement.

Alot of Morningrise in general bores me now actually... its meandering and wandering like Orchid, except it just doesn't have those awesome riffs, the intensity, the cool solos (cmon, not ONE mofo in here can tell me they dont like the Forest of October solo). It just seems like a stretched out, dumbed down Orchid.

But with all that aside I have to say I love most Opeth, especially Orchid and Still Life.
I don't like Weakness. It's boooooring! (If only 20% of their songs were like that, I wouldn't give a shit for Opeth, as simple as that).
Kushantaiidan said:
What is your least favorite Opeth song?

I'd have to say Nector. It's a fucking amazing song, but still, something just isn't right about it..

I would have to agree with you on that one. I have gotten into every other song on Morningrise, but Nectar just doesnt do it for me.
Karma took FOREVER to get into, but it is actually amazing, even though the intro still pisses me off.

Nectar has that WANK riff in it, but it's still a great song.

Wreath is not boring. Shut up.

The Leper Affinity is one of the best 5 they've done, so NO.

Dirge for November is unbelievably wintery and atmospheric.

Moonlapse Vertigo is my choice.