Mike, please don't pull a Swano


Jun 17, 2004
Please don't ever stop growling. I'm worried new album seems like you are going in that direction. :zombie::zombie::zombie:
I personally cant see Mike stop growling completely, he is influenced by too much black and death metal. I love his clean voice though so it wouldnt bother me too much, as long as thy keep the beautifuly brutal (beautal?!?) sound that is opeth
I personally cant see Mike stop growling completely, he is influenced by too much black and death metal. I love his clean voice though so it wouldnt bother me too much, as long as thy keep the beautifuly brutal (beautal?!?) sound that is opeth

I agree. He can sing so well now why wouldn't he include more clean vocals. He also can growl better then he used to imo I think he's where he wanted to be as far as vocals go.
I still think that Blackwater park was his best display of growling. Love his singing though, so either way, it'll still be Opeth, and will still be awesome.
Anathema is still amazing.
It will be a greater loss when mike stops growling though, which is inevitable, lets just hope its not happening anytime soon.
yeah, but there ain't much growls on the new cd. ok, let's say at least less than i hoped for. and who the fuck is the gal singing with mike in coil?
I thought Swano quit growling because he couldn't pull them off anymore...
And the woman singing with Mike is Nathalie Lorichs. I believe she's Axe's girlfriend?
And the woman singing with Mike is Nathalie Lorichs. I believe she's Axe's girlfriend?

I'd rather suggest putting her face on the cover of the special edition of watershed than let her sing. was ok, but i normally don't like female voices in metal
Swanö hasn't quit growling because he can't, he just hasn't done it as much since it messes up his clean singing for Nightingale.

He's still fucking brutal and just finished growling on the entire Obliterhate album that hopefully comes out soon.
Why? I MUCH prefer newer Anathema to old, anyday.

Agreed. I never got into the doomy Anathema, but Alternative 4 on up is great music.

Let's not give Mike any ideas about a Damnation 2, though, please! That would suck. If he comes to that decision himself, so be it, but let's not give him any ideas!