Mike Smith SUFFOCATION in-depth interview


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE
Mike Smith SUFFOCATION in-depth interview :

He sounds very jaded and realistic about the music industry and i feel him.

Can't wait to see the dvd and hear some new shit from them. I hope they're gonna make this happen.

Saw them live two times and they blew my mind.
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New album on the way, apparently it's a lot better than everything they've done since the re-union, just hearsay though.

I don't know about the dvd, but I think there were some pretty major issues around the actual production/release of it though....

Best band in the world.
I like his response when asked about how physically tough the songs are to play. He says that what they play comes from themselves so it's not that difficult. Whereas when you try to play other people's stuff, it's more difficult because it is less natural to you. Interesting and somewhat profound.
No, I can't say that I know anyone, it's just opinion from people that do....

I've been listening to Despise The Sun a lot too.
Been trying to learn Catatonia, the intro riff is destroying my left hand.
And also the songs that Doug wrote for Conquering The Throne, they are really similar in style to the songs from DTS.
(I've also heard that Doug might finally be working on some new stuff too, I would actually cum in my pants if that was the case)
Great Interview. Mikes a good friend and He keeps it 'real' ALL THE TIME! No B.S. at all. Suffocation are legends and it's fucked up they don't get the respect they deserve from the Industry.
It's fucked up when you see bands on tour with them pull up in busses and Mike and the guys are driving themselves in a Winnebago. But like He said... it's the industry. Look how long it took before He finally got a Endorsement deal( A couple years ago). Gawd... He should of had one back in the 90's!

Checkout His company DMM Company. Yes... It's for helping bands!! Put a band name in the bottom right search box! HELL if your in a band sign up!!

DED REP 24/7
Wow.. Great interview. That is straight up honesty and no compromise right there. That man is integrity in a nutshell. Wish I liked the band more than I do, but they definitely have my respect for what they've done for the genre!
