Mike talks to MTV.com

Do they have community service as a punishment in Sweden? If so keep your eyes open for something like this...

Hopefully it wasn't a pricey organ :erk:
I wish death upon my own head before i wish opeth to play ozzfest, It already makes me weep to see opeth t-shirts on the racks at hot topic-just awaiting the next angstful teenage metalhead rebel to buy one. It's obvious that opeth are a hard working bunch of talented people and nothing would satisfy me more than for them to see great riches and fame, but let's face it people once that happens then you get the "scum", the people that don't have enough mind to appreciate what it's really about-their just looking for the next heavy thing to bang their stupid fucking heads to. I say fuck that. That's what slipknot and mudvayne are for-the pretenders.. Opeth are far above all that. Next thing you know they'll be suckin carson daly's fuckin cock on trl....maybe not, but in any event opeth are dope.

P.s. A holocaust on the moon sounds like an awesome idea, but unrealistic.. Even if this.."holocaust" actually happened it wouldn't have happened on the moon. :)
Who cares what kind of people listen to the music? And as for the "scum," we see a lot of that here on the boards (I may be one of those people lol)

PS...Mudvayne's L.D. 50 was decent imo...not exactly "nu-metal" as many immediately describe it.
On the tour for the new album,i hope Opeth will come falling from the sky in a big iron box,Mike growling "you want coooffeee?" and then we´ll get hot coffe poured over us,melting our skin
Completely agree. It was my gateway album.

Regardless of what you think of Mudvayne, their bassist is light years ahead of most metal bassist regardless of genre.

WE DIG...EVERYDAY.....!!!!....i used to dig that song...hahaha....PEAC EOUT
Completely agree. It was my gateway album.

Regardless of what you think of Mudvayne, their bassist is light years ahead of most metal bassist regardless of genre.

Their bassist is amazing. He's still one of my favorites. The drummer's not that bad as well, actually.
Anyone can listen to whatever the fuck they want, your missing the point. I don't care what anybody on here says-you can't tell me that it doesnt piss you off when you see someone fuckin ridiculous listening to the music you love(depending on what the music is). The fact is that the closest thing to mainstream metal would be "nu-metal" being pumped through mtv and rock radio straight into the heads of the mindless drones who crave it. I love things like opeth, and i didnt come across them by buying the shirt in hot topic because it looked cool and satanic. When these noobs or whatever the fuck you wish to call them go and buy there shirts or go and pay 100 bucks for a ticket to ozzfest or maybe even go buy the latest cd there slowly decreasing the validity of the music. At this point the band is no longer a group of amazing artists but rather becoming a ridiculous fad. As far as you guys liking slipknot and mudvayne, etc. - I'm sure no one on this board was born in a mayhem or darkthrone t shirt, in other words we probably all started listening to that stuff because it was easily accesible. If you were young and liked heavy music you could just turn on mtv and see marilyn manson or someone on and then your a fan, but what i'm trying to say i guess is that we've(most of us) have grown out of that and realized that its not musically good. This is not to say that it is not entertaining, if you want to go see slipknot and watch a bunch of clowns jump around on stage while they play there shitty songs and you enjoy that than there is absolutely no reason why you shouldnt go and have a good time but as far as skill and musical genious your not gonna find that in any of today's mainstream bands(very few anyway). I just think it's stupid for kids today to go and pretend to be into these bands because i know that they won't give a shit about them in the long run( i'm not spoeaking for everyone i'm just going by what i've personally experienced and seen) and it sucks when these people don't appreciate it for the right reasons. It would be like me liking a sports team and supporting them because of the color of there helmets and uniform.
Some true words in your post...but to argue "noobs" bying their shirts and buying ozzfest tickets to see Opeth results in reducing the band to a "ridiculous fad" is pretty much, to use cool latin words, a non sequitur. They have a strong enough following that once the "fad" dies (assuming the band has even become a fad at this point), they would escape still artists in many people's minds. Plus, I can honestly say to you that seeing some other "fuckin ridiculous" wearing an Opeth shirt from Hot Topic or something doesn't bother me in the least. I can only assume from this that they have a decent taste in music, or their tastes are evolving; just as mine did after I grew out of listening to music like Korn and Mudvayne (though I still find L.D. 50 enjoyable to listen to).