Mike The New Beethoven?

Longinus said:
Am I the only one who would almost complete agree with it?

Mike is no Beethoven, but more like Mozart. Extremely talented, very gifted with his vocal styles and just overall pretty great.

I never really understood the hype about the classical musicians. Sure, they wrote some really complex music and were virtuosos at their instruments but so are Dream Theater.

The only one to possibly beat Mike is Gildenlöw, I just had to say it again.
I know I'm gonna get flamed for this (because of lack of knowledge..) but Daniel is much, much more talented than any classical musician ever was.
Moonlapse said:
I think what this is coming down to is substantiation. Everyone can claim 'oh no, my hero is better than yours!', but it's a different matter entirely when you're asked to prove your claims.

I have no particular hero.

Prince is the overall talented musician ... yes, above Gildenlow. Get over it PoS fanboys, he's not the best around. Prince isn't the only guy who is a technicaly better instrumentalist either (or songwriter).
This is similar to one of those discussions you're having with someone about their "hero", but they can't be convinced that they aren't the best the world has to offer, while they're cramming this bs down your throat that their "hero" is superior to yours.

Alexi Laiho worship for example: "Yo layho the wildz child is best guitarist in the world!" :erk:

It's a shame the metal world is so riddled with blatant ignorance from it's bigoted servers.
I definately agree. I've never seen anything by Prince that has demonstrated his technical prowess to the degree you claim, though. Maybe it's because I haven't looked. Is there anywhere that it's shown?

But generally that's why I've given up idolizing. There always seems to be someone better at what they do, and most commonly they aren't even associated with the metal genre. In general metal is a very monotonous and sterile genre, and that's reflected in the technical figureheads which are idolized by its fans.

At the very least, though, I can still claim that Mike has written music which suits me more than any other I've ever heard. Thus, he is my favourite songwriter so far. He certainly has a great ear for tonal intervals that work together, and in a loose sense of the word, you could say that makes him a good 'composer'. Although I'm not 100% sure what the word is meant to imply. I always took it as meaning somebody who composed music of any sorts.
Gunhaver said:
i look at akerfeldt as the Kurt Cobain of metal. and kurt cobain is the greatest musician to ever face god's glorious green/blue planet. THAT'S FACT.

never saw Nirvana live did you? out of tune, couldn't play their own 3 chord 2 guitar stringed songs....Nirvana and Kurt Cobain= Pathetic.
prince is most certainly a very respectable musician.

and as for the topic, well the answer i would give has been beaten in enough, i'll just say NO
Why has no-one other than abcdefg mentioned Varg and Burzum? This is about as close as metal comes to classical. Sure there are other examples, but he pioneered this style.
May sound Dumb But,

Does Classical mentioned with Metal legitimize the genre?
Does Metal have to take influences from legitimate froms of music ( classical)
to progress?
" My Metal is better than your Metal cause it is Classical Influenced!"
Is Bubble Gum Metal worse than Jazz Metal?
Is Bluegrass Metal worse than Pop Country Metal?
Is Blues Metal worse than Be-Bop Metal?
Will we have Flamenco Metal replacing Mexican Metal?

Why can't Metal just influence itself?
I don't understand how it can influence itself. I think that suggests that the perpetual cycle of bands cloning the identical sound from one another is somehow progression. I mean surely, we can go straight back to the foundations of metal with thrash, power and death, but grabbing influence from that only leads to stagnation, as it has all essentially been done before.
The answer is no...Opeth will never have the kind of influence on teh western world that Beethoven did. no way in hell...and there is really not even a chance of them influencing the metal genre itself in any sort of perspective as much as Beethoven did at all.

Beethoven is legendary...Opeth will never be that..in the eyes of major society.
I'm not some PoS fanboy but thanks for the generalisation!

At any rate, it seems as if you have no idea about voices. Prince isn't better than Gildenlöw. He plays a shitload of instruments (hell, it's 70, not 30) but even there Daniel has him beat.

I love it when people instantly claim that and that person make those claims about a musician because he is their hero and their idol and bla bla bla bla bla.
Ever thought it _might_ be true?
Well, if we have to go back in time to make the Metal work for us,
we should go at least back to the 14th century.
Check out Trio Mediaeval. It's a three soprano acapello(sp) group
that just does 14th and 15th century shit.

^All you do is rant about PoS. I think that deems you a fanboy.

I merely defend Gildenlöw. I'm far from being a PoS fanboy. I can't stand half their songs.
Beethoven was deaf.

Kurt Cobain was a pretentious loser. His music sucked, and the only reason he got famous was because he shot himself. Nice move, tosser!!!
Katatonic said:
Kurt Cobain was a pretentious loser. His music sucked, and the only reason he got famous was because he shot himself.

Nevermind was the greatest thing underground has ever produced. After Kurt killed himself, everyone started listening to Nirvana... :erk:
Kurt Cobain pretentious? Hence he killed himself..? I find that contradictive (is that a word?) .