Mike The New Beethoven?

If anyone wants to bring up classical music in metal, Burzum are/were most certainly not at the forefront. If anything, and I don't claim this to be an end all be all answer, I'd say Symphony X is WAY up there in terms of incredible writing skills. Listen to The Odyssey, Mike Romeo's studied his shit in classical music and knows how to write classical. He's one of the few guitarists who knows how to write classical music, and not as a backing for wankery (cough, Malmsteen, cough).

Also, anyone who says that a symphony, concerto, or anything along those lines isn't hard to write is insane.... Period. For a good example, take a look at a score for Rachmaninoff's 2nd Piano Concerto, you WILL NOT follow what is going on if you think that Gildenlow or Akerfeldt are on par with that stuff. I only mention Rachmaninoff's 2nd because it's one of my favorites, there is definately way more complex out there as well.
I'm 100 % agree with you.
Well, before saying something, each one of the opinions are respected. And many here are quite hilarious and funny, and sometimes I post stupidities to when I'm drunk (something that seemingly happens in this one) I suppose that we mustn't take the things too seriously.
Returning a bit, there was a thread named: " Mike, the new Jesus? " surely he's not, even Mike wrote there!!
I suppose this is nearer to the reality since both (all the classic musicians and the music that nowadays we listen) are our "modals" for saying it somehow.
If we're in this forum, it's because we all take a minimal respect to this band and we have the opportunity to be able to know people that likes the same thing, a beginning of friendship, don't you think guys?
The topic begins to scare a bit when - as this guy said - whom I am going to mention:"I'm a big fan of Opeth, and I'm starting to wonder how and why the fuck Opeth is going from being a BAND to a WAY OF LIFE for some people".
Let's remember that the musicians, up to the most famous to whom we have admiration -and we respect and buy their records- are persons as common as we: they go to the bath, they piss, they shit, they eat, go out with friends, have family, get drunk very often, they have good days and also they have bad days AS WE DO, the only thing that differentiates us a bit is that they had the opportunity to be able to do music and to expand in order that the world knows how capable are they doing something, music in this case.
Anyhow this thread was entertaining.
\m/ :kickass:

Speak said:
Ok. This is ridiculous.

The classical composers composed ENTIRE SYMPHONIES for ENTIRE ORCHESTRAS (we're talking, what... maybe 90 musicians here), usually with just a piano, a piece of paper, and a pen. Beethoven did it deaf, to boot. Let's also not forget that you pretty much had to nail everything first time - you can't write out 90 scores, go to your local orchestra and tell them to play it, then tweak it over and over again. You had to get the score right pretty much first time.

Now. I'm not even a fan of classical music. I'm a big fan of Opeth, and am starting to wonder how and why the fuck Opeth is going from being a BAND to a WAY OF LIFE for some people. Opeth is a good band, but nothing they have done even begins to touch the feats of musical prowess that other musicians have reached. Note, before the Opeth fanboys come out and say that "I'M OBVIOUSLY NOT LISTENING HARD ENOUGH LOLZ", sit down and actually listen to at least one symphony. Even if you hate the music, realise that ONE MAN put EVERYTHING in that together. Everything. Listen to how much is going on, how one person has co-ordinated over 90 instruments into a single body of music.

Then come back and type your reply.
Decadent said:
Why has no-one other than abcdefg mentioned Varg and Burzum? This is about as close as metal comes to classical.

Disagree... 'Haggard' is without-doubt, easily the closest metal that comes to classical, and they are great too :)
Dobbit said:
If anyone wants to bring up classical music in metal, Burzum are/were most certainly not at the forefront. If anything, and I don't claim this to be an end all be all answer, I'd say Symphony X is WAY up there in terms of incredible writing skills. Listen to The Odyssey, Mike Romeo's studied his shit in classical music and knows how to write classical. He's one of the few guitarists who knows how to write classical music, and not as a backing for wankery (cough, Malmsteen, cough).

Also, anyone who says that a symphony, concerto, or anything along those lines isn't hard to write is insane.... Period. For a good example, take a look at a score for Rachmaninoff's 2nd Piano Concerto, you WILL NOT follow what is going on if you think that Gildenlow or Akerfeldt are on par with that stuff. I only mention Rachmaninoff's 2nd because it's one of my favorites, there is definately way more complex out there as well.

Agreed about Symphony X. I recently discovered Adagio, pretty similar but event a more classical. Forte REALLY knows his shit.
Longinus said:
And BE is the biggest opus to ever be released thus far. The album is absolutely insane.

BE is pretty pleasing, but it's not all that complex. I was able to play the main riffs on track 5 ( Lilium Cruentus (Deus Nova) ) within a few minutes. I'm not saying he isn't a genius, but how does it go from nearly 9 million people down to 1.2 million people in only 10 years? If that indeed happened, we would be stockpiled with corpses, we would not be able to move, our water would become contaminated, the remaining survivors would become sick and probably wouldn't last more than a week. *rambling*

But think about it, anyway. BE is pretty simple to just play. Maybe that was Dan's plan though, because he told me himself he was using regular tuning, which in theory would make it easier to do. uhhh... If you're going to compare pos's riffs to opeth's riffs, i would say opeth wins. The epic-ness of each band would be a tie, which means they both create equally amazing material.

NOW STFU! Bastards! :loco:
AceRoccola said:
Wait a minute. There are people here who like Opeth...what the fuck? Liking the band whose board you post on is so lame.

god i hope that doesn't make me lame. THAT would be devastating.
the_drip said:
Yeah...neither did the guys back then. Being Humble goes a long way.

the genres in the Classical work differently than those in Metal...they're time oriented. Yes, Beethoven brought about the end of the 'actual' classical period and invoked the romantic period that lasted most of the 19th century, which just meant the music got more complex with more rebellious use of harmony and other such musical ideas...it has alot to do with what was going on in the world at the time as well (revolutions, the fall of monarchies....Napoleon....etc)...

it goes,

Baroque- Bach, Vivaldi
Classical- Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven
Romantic- Beethoven, Schubert, Wagner, Verdi, Chopin
Impressionism- Debussy
Expressionism- Schoenburg, Webern

and on and on....classical style music today has gotten so weird...with serialism, minimalism and chance that it's really hard to gauge whether or not it's being very influential on anythign at all. Up until the mid 20th century however, classical music made all the progress....jazz, and rock are becoming frontrunners however in a slightly dumbed-down society.

Great way of putting it in detail. Though I doubt this will even dent some individual's strong beliefs that Mike or particularly, Gildenlow could write or perform at this sort of level.

DOBBITIf anyone wants to bring up classical music in metal said:
I'll have to agree, while I am not the biggest fan of Symphony X, Romeo along with being an outstanding guitarists, is an amazing writer. Many prog guitarists claim to have studied classical endlessly. Yet I am afraid that it takes a little more than blazing through a few arpeggios 200 miles an hour to qualify as a "neo-classical" guitarist. Romeo is aware of this.

DOBBIT said:
Also, anyone who says that a symphony, concerto, or anything along those lines isn't hard to write is insane.... Period. For a good example, take a look at a score for Rachmaninoff's 2nd Piano Concerto, you WILL NOT follow what is going on if you think that Gildenlow or Akerfeldt are on par with that stuff. I only mention Rachmaninoff's 2nd because it's one of my favorites, there is definately way more complex out there as well.

Moonlapse's point about subjective hero worship rings familiar all of a sudden.

Comparing metal musicians to classical greats is going the way of the annoying cliché...metal may be the closest musical style to classical, but its a far cry at its very best.

Opeth are cool, as are Symphony X, Adagio, Haggard, and Burzum.

However, you people need to get a grip. Just listen to a movement of any of Beethoven's odd-numbered symphonies. Plot out the chord progressions, attention to detail, tension/release, counterpoint, interplay, and intense following of classical guideline. It is unmatchable in scope and brilliance. Bands like The Chasm, Symphony X, Diabolical Masquerade, Burzum, Limbonic Art, Arsis, Therion, and the like do everything in their power to achieve a similar sense of classicism in composition and development, and still fall light years short.

Comparing Akerfeldt to any classical composer is idiotic. I'm glad that he's so inhumanly humble. Any musician subject to this much fellating fanboyism would have developed severe Messiah complex or pretentious "I'm God!"-syndrome by now.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Comparing metal musicians to classical greats is going the way of the annoying cliché...metal may be the closest musical style to classical, but its a far cry at its very best.

Opeth are cool, as are Symphony X, Adagio, Haggard, and Burzum.

However, you people need to get a grip. Just listen to a movement of any of Beethoven's odd-numbered symphonies. Plot out the chord progressions, attention to detail, tension/release, counterpoint, interplay, and intense following of classical guideline. It is unmatchable in scope and brilliance. Bands like The Chasm, Symphony X, Diabolical Masquerade, Burzum, Limbonic Art, Arsis, Therion, and the like do everything in their power to achieve a similar sense of classicism in composition and development, and still fall light years short.

Comparing Akerfeldt to any classical composer is idiotic. I'm glad that he's so inhumanly humble. Any musician subject to this much fellating fanboyism would have developed severe Messiah complex or pretentious "I'm God!"-syndrome by now.
