Mike's chicken pox

Once you get Chicken Pox you never will again.

Yes you can. My sister caught it twice, my uncle in law's sister, and so did the brother of a friend. Like you said though, it can be very dangerous if you catch it as a adult or for the second time for that matter.
God damnit.. Drove 10 hours to Hove just to find out Opeth is cancelled.. and then Satyricon came.. Wohoo!:cry: I hope you get well soon Mike and hopefully you come back to Norway sometime soon :kickass:
I was already at the Hove Festival and didn't get to know they had cancelled before the day that they were supposed to play. A big let down for me, as I went to Hove kinda just to see Opeth. Just hoping that Mikael will get back again real soon,, and that I might see him later in August.

Its too fucking baad that Mr Åkerfeldt is sick. How in hell is it possible that "satan" him self has become sick from a child deciese that is actually harmfull for adults/elders. Mikael is (in my eyes) the god of metal/progressive/non genre music. :notworthy I realy hope you get well soon Mr Åkerfeldt.

All that worship opeth, and like me, missed opeth at the hove festival or at metal town in Gothenburg and wish Mr Åkerfeldt to get better soon, pls express your loss in this thread.

Mikael Åkerfeldt: Det var synd at du skulle bli syk akkurat på dette tidspunktet. Jeg så virkelig frem til å se Opeth live for første gang. Jeg hadde uansett tenkt å se dere live i lillehammer og i oslo senere i år, men nå får jeg bare sett dere to ganger. Opeth er mitt favoritt band over alle, og jeg håper virkelig at du blir frisk slik at du kan spille for oss fans igjen. Det var et stort tomrom på hove da dere ikke kunne stille opp grunnet sykdommen. Satyricon kan på ingen måte måle seg med Opeth, og var ingen verdig erstatter. Porcupine Tree, SW, Blackfield eller No-Man kunne vært gode stedfortredere, men ingenting er som Opeth! Jeg gleder meg til jeg får se dere første gang i mitt liv. Opet betyr en el del for meg.

Take Care Mr Åkerfeldt!:waah::notworthy
Mike told us little Mirjam has chicken-pox at the Unirock Fest Istanbul.
I gave him several evil-eye stones for especially Miriam and Noak (newborn boy of Martin Mendez) after the concert. This's a tradition in Turkey that giving to newborn.

I hope that Mikael will get well again a.s.a.p.
Because, his family and the whole world need him. :Saint:

Anna, I wish more power to you from God.

Mikael, ni har blivit vattenkoppor. KRYA PÅ DIG Mike!
Vi ses snart. Lycka till.
Ta hand om dig själv. :rock:


"Attention all planets of the Solar Federation: We have assumed control."
I have a good idea for a "Chicken Pox tribute/bonus song". Cause Åkerfeldt disliked "The Pain I see in Others" so much, he shoud re-do it and name it "Chicken Pox I see in others"! BRILLIANT, isn't it!

But yeah, I hope he's getting better by now.
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Inborn need to dominate, possess!

Well, first up, thanks to everyone who's been writing me and wishing me a swift recovery from the chicken pox. I'm feeling better today, but still will have to take some pills for another few days. It's been horrible to say the least! Fucking horrible!

I took some pictures of myself when I was feeling the worst, and it's not a pretty sight! I could qualify for any zombie movie, and I wouldn't even need any make up.

Either way, feeling better today and I'm hoping I can play the next show as scheduled. It's a highly contagious disease so I'm hoping I haven't contaminated anyone else during the last few trips. Speaking of which, we've had a blast playing Turkey and France (Hellfest)! Both were awesome shows and had a lot of people checking us out! Amazing!

So sorry for the cancelled gigs, especially the ones in my home country since we rarely play here! Hörrni! Jag är ledsen, men det ordnar sig. Snart ska vi rocka tillsammans som Jerry Williams 1964!

Family is doing well, I feel sorry for my wife who now has 3 kids to take care of, and I'm like the worst kid from hell when I'm sick. She's been a trooper and I am so fucking lucky to have her! Melinda and Mirjam have recovered totally from the pox and are doing just fine.

I emailed a list of songs that I want us to go through for the upcoming headlining tours to the other guys. Let me say it's a pretty massive list, maybe 30-40 songs, and very exciting ones too! We'll see which ones sound the best at rehearsals. Can't wait!

OK, let me leave you all with another thank you and hope to see ya soon!

NP: Alice Cooper – Welcome to my nightmare (MASTERPIECE!)



Link to source...


Thanks for this Mike, so glad
your on the mend!

See you in November, can't wait
for you guys to blitz this little city.


Its too fucking baad that Mr Åkerfeldt is sick. How in hell is it possible that "satan" him self has become sick from a child deciese that is actually harmfull for adults/elders. Mikael is (in my eyes) the god of metal/progressive/non genre music. :notworthy I realy hope you get well soon Mr Åkerfeldt.

All that worship opeth, and like me, missed opeth at the hove festival or at metal town in Gothenburg and wish Mr Åkerfeldt to get better soon, pls express your loss in this thread.

Mikael Åkerfeldt: Det var synd at du skulle bli syk akkurat på dette tidspunktet. Jeg så virkelig frem til å se Opeth live for første gang. Jeg hadde uansett tenkt å se dere live i lillehammer og i oslo senere i år, men nå får jeg bare sett dere to ganger. Opeth er mitt favoritt band over alle, og jeg håper virkelig at du blir frisk slik at du kan spille for oss fans igjen. Det var et stort tomrom på hove da dere ikke kunne stille opp grunnet sykdommen. Satyricon kan på ingen måte måle seg med Opeth, og var ingen verdig erstatter. Porcupine Tree, SW, Blackfield eller No-Man kunne vært gode stedfortredere, men ingenting er som Opeth! Jeg gleder meg til jeg får se dere første gang i mitt liv. Opet betyr en el del for meg.

Take Care Mr Åkerfeldt!:waah::notworthy

Hva mener du med at du skal se dem live i oslo og lillehammer? Har jeg gått glipp av noe?