Military Service

You'd like to start again and have the helmet-hair and all the stuff? I hate that stage where you have kinda emo hair and also you can't tie it in a ponytail so it keeps going in front of your face.
You'd like to start again and have the helmet-hair and all the stuff? I hate that stage where you have kinda emo hair and also you can't tie it in a ponytail so it keeps going in front of your face.

Oh no, I only meant I want to start again because I've damaged the ends of it all so much. The amount of hours my hair has been in hair bands and under heat is crazy. If I started again, I'd just leave it completely so it ended up nicer.
Alexi has been exempted from military service due to medical reasons that he has said himself.
Thanks. I had been wondering about that for some time, but Allu being exempted due to medical reasons always seemed plausible to me; he seems to have had some serious problems (depression, suicide attempt) in the past.

Edit: sorry i had to do it...
Alexi would be full of rage if he was made to cut his hair. He's probably prefer to wear a shower cap the whole time or go to jail for a year.

I don't want to cut mine but if I had to, I wouldn't mind because I'd like to start again.

Meh there is always Community service...boring as fuck but you dont need to do anything to your hair.

I don't need to go to military service because i got C health papers YAY FOR ME!

FYI, The reason they shave the heads is because of hygiene,diseases and shit. Atleast i heard that...seems logical to me.
FYI, The reason they shave the heads is because of hygiene,diseases and shit. Atleast i heard that...seems logical to me.

This is the real reason for shaving the heads. Imagine what long hair will be like after you've spent two weeks in the forests without washing it.

Btw. the compulsory military duty is only 6 months for most of the conscripts, not a full year. You don't have to serve if you have medical or psychological problems. The army doesn't want mentally unstable people with guns amidst them :)
Where I live guys don't have to do that anymore. But a friend of mine told me that even if it was an obligation they won't let him do it because of his feet : they are too flat so it can damage his back etc...
Yup. This reminds me of this one guy who shot himself in the head in the middle of the day just a few months before I started my military service there.

...which reminds me I nearly got shot in the back when I was in the army. Not deliberately, but sure was a close call... :ill:
This is the real reason for shaving the heads. Imagine what long hair will be like after you've spent two weeks in the forests without washing it.

Btw. the compulsory military duty is only 6 months for most of the conscripts, not a full year. You don't have to serve if you have medical or psychological problems. The army doesn't want mentally unstable people with guns amidst them :)

Yea trust me, with the helmet and cap on, you'd rather not have the hair at summer. I was a military police for 9 months, where you can grow max 3mm of hair because you get taught to put people to handcuffs and stuff and there's a risk that the hooligan might grab you by the hair. And yea, you really don't want any people with little potential of messing with the gun in the service. Still this happens every year. Like some nutcase takes his loaded and ready gun and asks "what am I supposed to do now?" while pointing people with it. Then he gets knocked to the ground and told he's not wanted and gtfo. And actually any suspicious gestures of aggression usually lead to suspension from the service.
someone said that alexi couldn't do his military service becuz of medical reasosn...mabye this has something to do with the medical bracelet on his arm? :confused:
Idk if there was an update on this or what... but I made a thread last summer or maybe before about that, included several pics with shots of what looked like a medical bracelet amongst his other metal. Janne popped in eventually and said there's no medical bracelet.

Besides that- the only thing I like about the US gov't is that even if the draft were re-enlisted and included women, they couldn't take me because of my medical condition. :) That's the ONLY nice thing about being sick. I don't have to worry about being shipped off to a fucking desert to fight and be broken or killed for some shit I don't believe in and find unnecessary.

If I remember I'll ask Bodom next Thursday about their service... bizarre question I'm sure they don't get so often.