Long Hair

Luckily military service is no longer obligatory here. I have better things to do in life than learning to kill.
Chokehold said:
waaaah! I'll cry, if must ut my hair...
hehe:lol:...seems funny, but I am totally agree with you, dude!
I will never cut my hair!!!!!:rock:
I have long hair now for three years, and I will have them till my death!:rock:

And here is Slovenia we have to go to millitary, but I won't go...even people could say me that I am the big chicken because I won't go to millitary, hehe:heh:
But I won't give them my hair, never, NEVER!!!!!:flame::Shedevil:

see ya!:rock:
The Trou-Peur said:
Hating the army is not close mindedness, it's only awareness;
:lol: Well, hating refugees is just awareness, most of them are just criminals and cowards.;)
you should watch 'Paths Of Glory' and 'Full Metal Jacket' by Kubrick, 'The Killing Fields' by R. Joffé and maybe with some little chance you'll change your views on that.
I have seen them. Good films.
...And I suggest you take some anti-vomiting pill, jesus, a normal human being cannot talk that way, he must be bäärfing!
You really sound like 7 years old with your "insults".

Raistlin1980 said:
I have better things to do in life than learning to kill.
Do you really mean that you don't already know how to kill?
Killing humans wouldn't cause any kind of pangs of conscience. Why would?

Well, world with pussies that cannot defend themselves, families or homes would be paradise to me. I could do anything and none would have courage to stop me.:grin:
you are a chicken?:lol:
I dont want to go to the army., too... It sucks... The people are stuipd with you...., and cut your hair..
same as a jug.... If you are miserable, you meet with a gay, and one night.... you wake up with a roomy asshole:lol:

Sorry, I'm stupid....

child_of_bodom666 said:
but even now it's "just" 6 months of army here, I won't go into it...

fuck it!!!

see ya:rock:

ain't that a break of the law? or are you going for civil services?

in my area it's 8 months... i heard that you have to go for 3 years in greece!! is that true?? would be really crazy!

grtz, Head
Interesting converstation you are having here... Well I'm going to army though I don't like it, I wouldn't miss the chance going there. Don't ask me why, because I really don't know. ;)

Because of they cut your hair isn't really a good excuse for not going there. It grows back right? ...well everyone has their opinions of their own.
HeadCrusher said:
ain't that a break of the law? or are you going for civil services?

in my area it's 8 months... i heard that you have to go for 3 years in greece!! is that true?? would be really crazy!

grtz, Head
hmm...no this isn't a break of the law, because we can choose between civil services and army here, yes.

and yes...if you have long hair this is not the reason for not to go to army...but I love my hair...so I cannot just cut them and allow them to grown again later...NO!...this would kill me...

but the big reason which people given not to go to the army is their religion and bla bla...
so...FUCK the army...:Shedevil:

see ya:rock:
we dont have to go into millitary service here in canada.. in fact we almost have no army. WE SUCK! canada suck... :yuk:

i would never cut my hair to serve some big ass general screaming to run faster and to shoot better. damn no! my hair ARE my weapon... :heh:

anyway, i would'nt have to serve before 4 years, cuz im young.. so i dont give a fuck..(i you hate me)

well, enough say, i gotta shut up some times..
In Brazil Army is obrigatory , but always have exessive number of alisted, so the exessive alisted don't join the army ,and don't cut the hair! So i don't cut my hair.....But in brasil when we pass for a University, the seniors cut the hair of the juniors.....so i had to cut my hair , and i sell it....200 R$!!!!About 700 dolars!!!!!!So i buyed my HCDR with the money!!!
Dethroned said:
Interesting converstation you are having here... Well I'm going to army though I don't like it, I wouldn't miss the chance going there. Don't ask me why, because I really don't know. ;)

Because of they cut your hair isn't really a good excuse for not going there. It grows back right? ...well everyone has their opinions of their own.

of course it grows back, but it takes ages! just imagine you are in a band:
in the flick of a second your performance gets gay when you cut your hair! ;)
HeadCrusher said:
I was just wondering how the CoB guys could have had long hair when they released their first album SW: At that time they were about 18 years old. At this age you have to go to the military in my area and there you have to cut your hair (FUCK, that's still in front of me). So don't you have to go there in Finnland or don't you have to cut your hair??
Three of the bandmembers are having dogtaps around their necks inside the booklet of HCDR so it looks like they have been to the military!??
Plz tell me if you know!

grtz, Head

Dear my Friend.

You are unlucky. So. you know that, there's here military too. But you know, i said some suicidal, crazy stuff to the soldiers at the time, when they invited me to the army and so they KICK ME OFF!

So, i got as long hair and fuck the military. That's the way it is
Well well, isn't this an interesting thread, or what..?

I can understand, why some ppl don't like the idea of going to the army, and they're allowed to have their opinions, but... Not going to the army, 'cause you'd have to cut you hair...
Sorry guys, but I don't think that it's a reason to skip the army!
When I was still working at the mental hospital, there were a lot of guys on civil services. I used to ask everyone of them, why didn't they go to the army. Few of them told me that they didn't want to cut their hair and I told them, how I felt about that reason. Some of them got angry at me and some of them actually understood my point.

I know that the time in the army can be quite a shitty time, my husband went to the army for 11 months just a few weeks after we had met.
Actually, I wanted to go there too, when that option was given to us women, but my husband was totally against that. But who knows... if they allowe oldies like me to join the army, I still might be going :grin:

Anyways, I have my principles too... I wouldn't get involved with a guy, who didn't go to the army!

Peace & love :)
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Doesn't Austria have any freedom?

Of course it has! There's the possibility to go to civil services, but it lasts longer than the army and you get less money and it takes longer to find a civil job (bad if you finished school and want to start working soon). Besides it's a bit "gay" :) . Nevertheless I'll probably do it (if I get a job ASAP - I'd like to work at the rescue because I think it's worth more in your live if you know how to safe somebody's live than to take it away!).
The Trou-Peur said:
Chokehold:you can't read French very well, it's not his mother, it's his wolf. Or I should have put by 'Michael Douglas', as Torgogol looks like Sharon Stone having taken a trip to some Brazilian clinic.

I can't stand the fucking army, that's the way it is. If Torgolgogoth has a problem with that, as he's so close fucking minded to call me a hippie (no way, I hate drugs and the people who use them), well may he have some good shred on his head and a fucking weapon in his hands, and go, kill someone, as you're so so cool and strong and manly with your fucking army.

Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?

Besides, it was you who started it. You seem to have a problem with the people who aren't against the army. Grow up.