milwaukee show

im not sure whether to love or hate this guy, but i have a review of the show. he gave the band i tour with, rictus grin, a great review(probably because we gave him a couple beers before the show, which were mine not larry's btw...damn him) and also the other band that was with us on our bus that weekend dark shift, but his lack of taste makes me question his review (meaning bodom got a pretty crappy one from him). anyway, here it is in its entirety....(from this website)

Iced Earth, Children of Bodom, and Evergrey

The Rave, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
April 23, 2004
By Cthulhu

In addition to the headlining bands, The Rave added a large list of local bands to the venue. There were three stages, with most of the openers playing at the same time. I managed see about half of the bands 10 or 11 bands performing that night, and missed the rest, including Evergrey.

We arrived before the doors opened, and were forced to wait in line until we walked by Rictus Grin’s bus, at which time we were invited inside to kill time and drink beer. At which time I bought a ticket for $5 from one of the other local bands, and headed inside. What does any of this have to do with this band you ask; well if it wasn’t for the cheap ticket and the free beer I would have shoved a screwdriver through my ears during this band. It wasn’t horrible per-say, but it did however remind me of the noise a penguin being raped makes. It was a horrible mix of hardcore and nu-metal that people for some reason or another seemed to get into. Awful music, incoherent screams along with simple power cords, and they had a seemingly long set.

After the first “band” I honestly thought anything could have been better, and thankfully a good band was allowed to grace the stage. Justice was an old-school black metal band, which sounded quite a bit like Emperor’s “In the Nightside Eclipse.” It was a surprising set, as I wasn’t expecting anyone to either play black metal, or for the crowd to actually respond well to it. The band sounded good in addition to playing good music, in a venue that has a tentative hold on sound quality, this band managed to sound and play great.

Dark Shift:
After Justice, I went to see what the other two stages offered; as it happens there was another nu-metalish band on one, and another, which was dressed to look like the Insane Clown Posse. Well those were more than enough to convince me to watch the next band at the Rave Bar doing a sound check instead. Another band I’ve heard nothing about, and again I was quite surprised to find another great band. This was a classical metal band, and sounded a lot like Testament. The songs were fast, heavy, and they had an amazing lead guitar player. Again, for some odd reason, the sound quality was perfect. They played an excellent thrash set, after which COB took the other stage.

Children of Bodom:
Well it wasn’t exactly that smooth of a transition, as COB had already begun their set, I arrived in time to hear “Hate Me” and “Sixpounder.” I saw this band a few months ago when they opened for Dimmu Borgir; they didn’t impress me then as their synth was turned all the way up, and it only helped to wash away the other instruments. Well, thankfully someone found the volume control for the synth. And the band managed to actually sound good. While their set was far from complete I decided to leave anyway to catch the last local band “Rictus Grin.”

Rictus Grin:
The last opener for the night, and the one that got the biggest shaft for playing time as far as I’m concerned. Their set was at the same time as Children of Bodom, but there was still a large crowd to see the local metal band. I felt compelled to watch them play, mostly because my friend said their live set blows their studio stuff out of the water, but also because I drank Larry’s beer before any of the shows...Thanks Larry! The without a doubt highlight of the night for me, even Iced Earth was a wind-down after this. Rictus Grin played a heavy and technical set of death/thrash metal. Again, for whatever reason, this band sounded perfect and did indeed live up to my friend’s claim. Their studio recording lacked certain energy, and low-end bass, which was present in there, live set. This was actually one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen, tons of energy, great music and sound, and they had a great crowd feed back. Having little or no attention span to speak of, I get bored at times during all of the live shows I go and see, but this one was markedly different as the band was engaging and energetic enough to hold me in thrall for 30-45 minutes. A great fucking show.
Set List: Fear, Left Behind, Taste the Steel, God of Wrath, Six Feet, Crimson Facade, Samurai, and Morgue. Thanks to Larry of Rictus Grin for the set list.

Iced Earth:
After the last band, Rictus Grin, I was sure that not only had I been hit by a bus, but that Iced Earth was going to be a slight downer. Thankfully Iced Earth played a good set, much better than I had given them credit for playing. No one came running around throwing an American flag around, and most importantly Jon was not wearing an American flag as an adult diaper. They played a massive 19 songs set, and although top heavy from their last album, they still went back a ways in their catalogue of music. Most of the set sounded great, with the exception of Dracula and The Devil to Pay, as “Ripper” could not sing Dracula for shit, and the symphony was squished out of The Devil to Pay, but fixed for the rest of the Gettysburg EP. For the most part, Owens did a good job on the older Iced Earth vocals, and screamed like a banshee during the new material. Jon was visibly getting older, as his hair is now streaked with gray, and he lacked anything resembling energy. The sound quality for the most part was excellent, and the set list speaks for itself, it was a long fucking show. The highlight of the set was definitely when the band played all of the Gettysburg EP, which was some of the better stuff that Jon has come up with in the past while. All things considered it was still a good show, and a great ending to over five hours of heavy metal.

Set List: Star-Spangled Banner, Declaration Day, Melancholy, Burning Times, Dracula, Angel’s Holocaust, Vengeance is Mine, Violate, Green Face, Red Baron/Blue Max, When the Eagle Cries, My Own Savior, The Something Wicked Trilogy (1.Prophecy 2.Birth of the Wicked 3.The Coming Curse), The Gettysburg EP (1. The Devil to Pay 2. Hold At All Costs 3. High Water Mark), and Iced Earth.

May 1, 2004
By Cthulhu
MagSec4 said:
Well it must've been a hell of a show to leave you two to misspell 'stole' and 'threw'
..because I've never seen those before :heh:
haha man, i came on right when i got home from the show and posted that, after Cob kicked my ass, im surprised i could have a complete sentence :grin: