I went to both the New York and the Philly shows, I think they both rocked pretty hard. I went through my "oh no, Bodom is losing it phase" already, and I think I have gotten over it. Perhaps Alexi is not as accurate at playing live as he once was, and there is no doubt that when they all get wasted on stage, the performance suffers (this much should be obvious). But at least they have updated their setlist, and they are aknowledging that the fans still love their older music (I definitely appreciate getting to hear Mask of Sanity and Children of Decadence, I almost peed myself when they busted those songs out in Philly, totally unexpected). I do, however, think it is kind of weak that they cut out both of those solo sections, so I do hear HCDR's argument. Half a song, lol. (I think it was more like 2/3's of a song in both cases, but I get the point, solos are f'n important).
In the end tho, I had a great time at those shows, and I could tell that Bodom made some new fans those nights and really treated the old fans to something they will never forget. I think that is what is most important, the experience, not the percentage of wrong notes played. They are extremely tight live, better than 90% of other metal bands I have ever seen, and I hope that the next album pushes the boundaries of music like their older albums did.
agreed. good post