I've never heard of playing half a song...

I can see both sides of the argument really. I understand wanting to hear your favorite solos and whatnot but at the sametime if it doesn't happen there's not too much we can do about it. and i don't think hcdr was whinning at all, he just posted his honest opinion and everyone else whined about his opinion and gave him shit for it.....open your eyes people.

As for fucking up yeah they do that....but whatever. They miss a few notes, miss the occasional squeal....who cares? Sure if they nail it's a little more exciting but i dunno when they fuck up i get a laugh out of it. Im like hey! They fucked up! ah hahahaha, metal is great!!! It's cool, and you can relate to it. I'm a guitaist and i fuck up....so i know where they're coming from...Any slayer fans in here ever see em live? I seen em live 5 times and Tom Araya fucks up all the time. Messes up his lyrics mostly, sometimes he goes into parts too early and the rest of the band has to catch up...funny as hell.....yep...good times
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I can see both sides of the argument really. I understand wanting to hear your favorite solos and whatnot but at the sametime if it doesn't happen there's not too much we can do about it. and i don't think hcdr was whinning at all, he just posted his honest opinion and everyone else whined about his opinion and gave him shit for it.....open your eyes people.

As for fucking up yeah they do that....but whatever. They miss a few notes, miss the occasional squeal....who cares? Sure if they nail it's a little more exciting but i dunno when they fuck up i get a laugh out of it. Im like hey! They fucked up! ah hahahaha, metal is great!!! It's cool, and you can relate to it. I'm a guitaist and i fuck up....so i know where they're coming from...Any slayer fans in here ever see em live? I seen em live 5 times and Tom Araya fucks up all the time. Messes up his lyrics mostly, sometimes he goes into parts too early and the rest of the band has to catch up...funny as hell.....yep...good times

Totally agree. And yeah i dont mean to snap out bout peoples whyning either it just seems that thats all anyone does about bodom on the forums lately, you get a few good honest posts and then bitching, not opinions just bitching.
Like I said to Marie, I play Bodom song since 2-3 years, and it now brings hate in my heart. I don't want to play any other fucking song by them, I'm fucking tired of that.

Them? They play the same fucking set since 10 years... I can understand they are tired to play same shit again...
I don't think HateCrewDeathroll is wrong in whinning about the show. This is a fucking FORUM! we are here to discuss and his post definitely starts a discussion. Nobody likes a winnie...I understand. but fucking grow up about it! If I paid good money for a show and was waiting for my fav part and it was fucking skipped i'd be upset too.

Excuse me, but I don't think Alexi and all CoB guys know which is the fav part of every fan in their songs...
Sorry but this kind of disappointment is not really justified, in my opinion, cause we (as fans) shouldn't be that egocentric.
We're important for them, we know it, we support them, but we're not the centre of the world, things don't depend by us...so CoB guys have the right to act according to what their feelings and their will are... hence skipping a part in a song that they don't like much.
I think we couldn't see someone glad to play if he/she is playing some stuff that doesn't feel to...
I personally never really liked Mask of Sanity anyway, the solos were badass but, the song overall sucked. I personally love the last two albums COB put out. Also I'd give several vital organs to see Bodom live... Even though that doesn't make very much sense...
┼Victim of the Night┼;5688361 said:
Excuse me, but I don't think Alexi and all CoB guys know which is the fav part of every fan in their songs...
Sorry but this kind of disappointment is not really justified, in my opinion, cause we (as fans) shouldn't be that egocentric.
We're important for them, we know it, we support them, but we're not the centre of the world, things don't depend by us...so CoB guys have the right to act according to what their feelings and their will are... hence skipping a part in a song that they don't like much.
I think we couldn't see someone glad to play if he/she is playing some stuff that doesn't feel to...

I don't blame them or hold any grudges. But feeling dissapointed, to me, is definitely justified. I, for one, can't help it when I feel dissapointed. And I don't think its right to be attacked for it. I am not saying that they shouldn't have skipped the parts. I was trying to say that it is OKAY to feel dissapointed.
^Well, but nobody is really attacking nobody... here it's just a forum, and everybody knows it.
You joined here just lately, so it's natural you haven't "lived" personally some "facts"...
But when some people are always complaining about more or less the same story...I can assure you it becomes very annoying, believe me.
And then, I've always said that having different opinions is good ... indeed I think different from what other people (that at this point we all know who they are) and you do... as I said in my preceeding posts here.
All I think is there, in those my posts... to joy of many persons I've nothing else to add.
you like slipknot, korn and new metallica I guess?

So just because he doesn't like Mask Of Sanity and actually likes Hate Crew Deathroll and Are You Dead Yet, his taste in music sucks? You, sir, are taking your own opinions just a little too far. Maybe he loves the Follow The Reaper album, but doesn't really like Mask Of Sanity. Personally, I love Are You Dead Yet, but at the same time, I think Red Light In My Eyes can get a little old
┼Victim of the Night┼;5690205 said:
^Well, but nobody is really attacking nobody... here it's just a forum, and everybody knows it.
You joined here just lately, so it's natural you haven't "lived" personally some "facts"...
But when some people are always complaining about more or less the same story...I can assure you it becomes very annoying, believe me.
And then, I've always said that having different opinions is good ... indeed I think different from what other people (that at this point we all know who they are) and you do... as I said in my preceeding posts here.
All I think is there, in those my posts... to joy of many persons I've nothing else to add.

okay,maybe "attacking" was not the right word, I know its all in fun. And you are right, I'm new here. I don't know if he has made similar posts but unless he is just searching for stuff to criticize his posts sounds fair to me. Different opinions make life more interesting so this is great.
I don't blame them or hold any grudges. But feeling dissapointed, to me, is definitely justified. I, for one, can't help it when I feel dissapointed. And I don't think its right to be attacked for it. I am not saying that they shouldn't have skipped the parts. I was trying to say that it is OKAY to feel dissapointed.

i agree its okay to be dissapointed but to get literally pissed off and say your not going to be a fan anymore because of that in my opinion is pretty stupid. Of course i can udnerstand people feeling DISSAPOINTED, but being literally mad about it is not cool.
i agree its okay to be dissapointed but to get literally pissed off and say your not going to be a fan anymore because of that in my opinion is pretty stupid. Of course i can udnerstand people feeling DISSAPOINTED, but being literally mad about it is not cool.
that's true, I shouldn't get angry about it. but then again, I take this music so seriously, it's such a huge deal to me, my heros let me down ya know? pisses me off
that's true, I shouldn't get angry about it. but then again, I take this music so seriously, it's such a huge deal to me, my heros let me down ya know? pisses me off

yeah i guess i do understand a bit more. Is all a matter of personal opinion and about how important certain aspects of the music are to you, and i do respect that you are pissed bout it and i hope it didnt seem like i was saying you opinion was invalid.
that's true, I shouldn't get angry about it. but then again, I take this music so seriously, it's such a huge deal to me, my heros let me down ya know? pisses me off

I definitely see where you're coming from now, and I'm sorry if I cut you down. However, at the same time I feel you shouldn't take the music so seriously. I think you go a little overboard sometimes
I went to both the New York and the Philly shows, I think they both rocked pretty hard. I went through my "oh no, Bodom is losing it phase" already, and I think I have gotten over it. Perhaps Alexi is not as accurate at playing live as he once was, and there is no doubt that when they all get wasted on stage, the performance suffers (this much should be obvious). But at least they have updated their setlist, and they are aknowledging that the fans still love their older music (I definitely appreciate getting to hear Mask of Sanity and Children of Decadence, I almost peed myself when they busted those songs out in Philly, totally unexpected). I do, however, think it is kind of weak that they cut out both of those solo sections, so I do hear HCDR's argument. Half a song, lol. (I think it was more like 2/3's of a song in both cases, but I get the point, solos are f'n important).

In the end tho, I had a great time at those shows, and I could tell that Bodom made some new fans those nights and really treated the old fans to something they will never forget. I think that is what is most important, the experience, not the percentage of wrong notes played. They are extremely tight live, better than 90% of other metal bands I have ever seen, and I hope that the next album pushes the boundaries of music like their older albums did.
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